Chapter 3: The Two Dukes of Dales

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"Quick, give me that coat of yours and your mask as well, before Eleanor walks into the room, please." He extended his mask towards him for an exchange with a cunning smile on his face. "What's a masquerade without some hidden faces, after all? And as I said, they'd be ready to jump at you, if you tell them you're the Duke."

His words made Lawrence fall out of the ability to form any verbal response and before he could tell him how much he wasn't willing to get jumped at, they were already making their descent down the stairs into the ballroom in each other's stead.

"The gentleman in blue, do you reckon, is your Duke?" Florence whispered quietly in Esther's ears as the party began their first round of introductions.

"Why ever is he my Duke?" Miss Sherborne all but spat on her face.

"Bless my soul Esther, I'm only declaring the most perfectly handsome and agreeable man in the entire London yours, and this is your response?"

"The most agreeable in the entire London you say?" Esther spoke in a challenging tone and let her eyes wander around the room only to stop at the gentleman next to the apparent Duke. "Look at him, he seems just as fine. Despite the mask, I can guarantee that he has... quite the face."

"Oh yes, he has." Not the answer she was expecting out of her.

Hence, "Hmm." was all Esther could manage in response.

"He's probably the Duke's prominent companion. They've been friends since early childhood, I hear. They have completed their schooling together. In fact, he always travels with the Duke as well. He is indeed not bad. You have a good eye."

Esther watched her in utter disbelief. "Where on earth do you even get all this information?"


"I'm sorry, Juliette? She tells you-"

"No, Esther, did you know that your cousins were coming to London?" Florence asked with grave intensity, her eyes pinned somewhere behind her.

"No they're not-" although she was certain, Esther nonetheless turned around to confirm which only caused her jaw to drop in disappointment.

There she was, right in front of her eyes. Juliette Frampton with long golden hairs measuring her spine and her younger sisters with Lady Frampton, Esther's aunt. Her mother's elder sister.

She wasn't disappointed to see her cousins, she was one of the most family-loving people but she was still disappointed in the unannounced surprise. It was no lie that Esther's family, the Sherbornes did not have a nice relationship with the Framptons, or any of their maternal relatives in that matter. However, it wasn't even ever so bad as for them to not even inform them before visiting their town. They always did until this season. 

Leaving the conversation she was having with Florence halfway, Esther advanced toward Juliette, the Eldest Miss Frampton who now seemed ready to walk away.

Watching her cousin move farther away motivated Miss Sherborne to kick her heeled feet harder on the floor and she almost ran towards her, knocking some man on her way without caring.

It was surely a man, she judged, by the way, he managed to keep standing after her massive coalition but she had not the time to spare in unnecessary apologies.

Florence, who must have witnessed her little episode of violence, called after her in a pressed voice but Esther could hardly afford to care.

"Juliette!" She spoke from behind heaving breaths causing the freckled girl to stop in her steps. Her little eyes went unmistakably wide in shock.

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