Stolen Kisses and Spy Missions

Start from the beginning

"Oh, are you alright?" Athena asked. Astoria nodded. "Alright, well, I'll get the wagon. Meet me back up there, Cassie?"

"Yeah. Just give me a minute."

I tossed Athena the key from my pocket. She caught it and dashed back down the hall towards the boys dorms. I turned back to Astoria. "Thank you. Again."


"Are you coming with us to Hogsmede tomorrow?"

"Yes." She smiled before a wave concern washed over her. "Is it just me or does Draco seem kind of off about Hogsmede? I asked if he was going and he got all weird."

I shrugged. "When is he not?"

"No, really. He was relaxed and laughing before I brought it up. He got super defensive after I asked and made an excuse to leave. I think he's hiding something."

"Maybe. I guess we'll have to keep a close eye on him tomorrow."

She grinned. "Like spies?"

"Like spies. And apparently, we have a mission."


Harry Potter

"For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep with it, and yet you have no desire to find out who the half blood prince is?" Hermione asked as her, Ron, and I trudged through the snow on the trail to Hogsmede.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. She's been on this for weeks. Ever since she and Ginny stole my book. "I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it."

Ron snorted. "Yeah, it's not the book he's sleeping with."

I hit his arm. "Shut up, Ron."

"What's that mean?" Hermione asked. She turned to me with wide eyes. "What aren't you two telling me?"

"Harry has been sneaking around with a mystery girl for almost a month and a half. He refuses to tell me who it is." Ron answered for me.

"I am not sneaking around with anyone." I defended. A total lie, of course. But Cassie doesn't want people knowing and honestly, I kind of like our little bubble. Just me and her. No one else. Though, it's not exactly easy having to constantly lie to Ron and Hermione. I must be good at it, too, since until this moment, where Ron has decided to be a snitch, Hermione had no idea.

Hermione groaned. "Why am I always last to know everything unless I figure it out first?" She turned to me. "I guess you have been rather absent lately. I just assumed you were spending more time studying. Your marks have been almost perfect this year."

Thanks to Cassie. But, once again, I can't tell her that. "I have been studying. Ron doesn't know what he's talking about."

Ron let out a forced laugh. "Yes, I do know what I'm talking about. The constantly washing your sheets, the coming back at late hours, the smiling all the time." He reached out to touch the corner of my lips before I smacked his hand away.

"Good hygiene studying, I'm just happy. You're overthinking it."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."



He raised his arms in frustration. "Hermione! Help me out here."

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know. I don't pay that close attention to how often Harry smiles. Ask Ginny. She could help you there."

Ron shuddered. "Gross. But anyway, we'll get back to this later. Now back to the point, Hermione's right. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione."

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