HeY cOUsin i misSeD YoU🕊❤

Start from the beginning

Mikes is ur favourite cousin he is basically like a brother to you

Mi: ayeee bella

Y/n: mikeyyy boo

Mi: you still call me that

Y/n: ofc-

Y/m: aww teroso you all grown now

Mi: mama u lookin pretty good

Y/d: son dont let me tell u bout complimenting my wife

Y/m: honey👀but thanks honey i see u still a charmer huh

Mi: what can i say never lost a gift

Y/n: a gift wow😂😒

( a car honk goes off)

Y/m: aww bye my babies that is our ride

Mi: mama umm can i bring  my friend over to stay with me

Y/m: sure honey ....issa behave please

Y/n: i always behave now go  and dad enjoy😎😏

Y/d: issa u know i will😉

Y/n: i want a lil brother

Y/d: whatever and no boys allowed besides mike and im sure i can trust his friends

( they leave)

Mi: so my friend is coming to stay okay so behave boo boo

Y/n: yes dad🙄

Mi: is that attitude i hear

They both laugh until they hear a knock on the door

Mi: that must be them

Y/n: them???

Mi: ssh

He opens the door and the most stunning boys walk in that door

Y/n thinks : oh shit i bes not be blusing now

Mi: ayeee guysss

Them: ayo

Y/n : mike

Mi: huh oh and guys this my baby sis

Them: u have a sister

Mi : as u can see

V: gawd damn🤤she fineeee

Mi: watch it bro

Y/n: care to introduce mikey

Them: mikey😳


Ummm issa this is :

Vallyk( V )# love intrest

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