Chapter 2: Broken Barrier

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Day was beautiful as boys were sitting in the garden, doing some basic chores such as picking out the weeds out of the pavement or mowing the lawn. Tubbo was the first one to finish because surprisingly all of the passages were well kept so he decided to look at what plants they even had. There were a lot of flowers but in the corner he could see a vegetable and spice garden. Tomatoes were growing nicely, so did scallion and mint, cucumbers and peas were climbing up the little shed. But the best kept were potatoes. It's nice, they would be able to grow something for their dinner on their own. If... they would finally eat something other than instant food due to the lack of time and cooking skills. But maybe they can try? Yes, that's a nice thought. Speaking of food, he was getting hungry. They worked for quite a long time so a little break would be much appreciated. He made his way to the kitchen, leaving Tommy outside, and started looking through the cupboards to find that instant noodle soup they bought yesterday. But they were nowhere to be seen. But they were there just this morning? Or maybe he was so tired yesterday that he imagined buying them... Instead he found some fresh buns and a few jars of home made jam so he just rolled with it.

- Tommy, do you remember if we bought those instant noodles?- he asked just when his friend finished mowing a row and hurried towards the food.

- Yeah, couldn't you find them? They were just above the sink- Tubbo could barely make it out as he was devouring sandwiches like it would be his last meal.

- No, they weren't there. Actually I couldn't find them at all-

- That's weird... by the way, where did you get that? We hadn't got any jam- Tubbo shrugged, taking another bite of his sandwich.- Still, good stuff-

Tubbo decided to look through their kitchen again, now sure that he remembered properly what they had bought. Many unhealthy snacks disappeared and the rest was put in different places. Instead in their place appeared some jars containing some home made jams, pickles or even dried mushrooms, all neatly labeled. Tommy must have messed around in the kitchen late at night and doesn't remember. But still, he had to make something for dinner...

- There must be something easy to make with whatever we have here...- he murmured to himself, looking through lower shelves again. Until something hit him in the head. A book. Yes, Tubbo remembered that on the counter was laying a book, but why would it fall?

- "60 easy dishes for beginners"... if this isn't convenient, I don't know what is- thankfully recipes turned out actually beginner friendly and after half an hour he had a small diner ready. Just in time as it seems, as Tubbo heard Tommy turning off the mower. Seconds later he was running ul the stairs, probably as loud as he could. Seeing dinner on the table his face lit up even brighter as he smiled widely.

- You made this? Shit, this is great!-

There was one person observing them. Or what used to be called a person. A man, maybe in his forties, hiding his eyes in the shadow of a brim of his striped hat. He wasn't saying anything, his face still as a mask, but... there was some life in his gaze as he looked at the boys. Lively duo, he must have admitted. A little bit of a hussle, but it was only their second day here. They would soon disappear as all the rest. Man shifted his wings slightly as the louder boy started jumping up and down, trying to clean up after dinner, but being too hyper to actually do so. It reminded him of something, but he couldn't tell what. It's been a long time since he remembered anything. Since he FELT anything. Being trapped in the world between might do that to one. Only one thing remained that told him something about himself and the other two that were roaming around this cursed building. Man didn't see them anymore though, as they stopped being able to leave their separate floors. With every year they were able to do less and less, their speech no longer human, appearances changing to demon like. Soon they will be no more, lost in the abyss of their own hearts.

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