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SUMMARY : Welcome to the prologue!


What a delightful morning to wake up to. He can't wait to spend another day having a breakfast filled with tension with his wonderful siblings, he doesn't want to wake up. He doesn't want to go down his bedroom. He doesn't want to spend any time with them. They're all mean and horrible to him.

He has to get up. He has to go down his bedroom. He has to spend time with them, even for a little while. He can do this. He can do this. He can.

Sitting up, he ruffled his long silver hair, getting out of bed and organizing his sheets. Usually, he would have a maid do this for him, but he doesn't feel like calling someone right now. He goes up to the mirror, staring at his reflection.

"Hosuh.. Hosuh Lee." His name was Hosuh Lee, someone with unnatural silver hair, light blue eyes, ivory skin, and an endearing face. His siblings insult him, tease him, and mock him because they think that he's a freak of nature.

Wake. Shower. Eat. School. Sleep. That was his mundane routine for everyday, he gives up trying to change it. At least, he has the talent of being able to draw keep him occupied most of the time. He wishes that he would have friends, one is fine.

Dressed in his school uniform and long hair tied in a low ponytail, Hosuh walks down the hallway to reach the breakfast room where his siblings are. The door was opened, he entered and they stared at him, it was bothering him.

Please stop. Please stop. Please stop.

Hosuh sits down on an empty chair, eating his breakfast. Blueberry pancakes drizzled with chocolate and tiny whipped cream on the sides, a glass of cold water, and crunchy cereal. This was normal food to him, he was lucky to be born in a wealthy household.

He was eating silently, he was supposed to not be noticed by his noisy siblings. They were annoying. He didn't like them. He tolerated them.

"—Hey! Come on, Hosuh, aren't you gonna say something?" His sibling grabbed his hair, it hurt.

He stayed quiet. He didn't want trouble.

"He isn't saying anything.."

"Isn't that obvious, stupid?"

Please ignore him. He doesn't want to interact with them. Go away. Go away. Go away.

Grabbing his hair tighter, his sibling yelled, "Say something! This is why you won't get any friends, anyone who becomes friends with you is a sore loser! Why did Mother have to give birth to you?!"

...Huh? Is he attacking their Mother now? Is he stupid? This isn't acceptable. This isn't acceptable to Hosuh. He doesn't have the right to tell him that the people that want to be friends with him are sore losers.

Taking hold of the hand that pulled his hair, he had the urge to break his arm. He can't. He has to tolerate them. Hosuh glared at his sibling, replying with clear irritation, "Seal your mouth shut, you can't speak like that to Mother or me."

They were taken aback, he tolerated them until now and it was strange to see him talk back. His sibling lets go of his hair, clicking his tongue and going back to his seat with an annoyed face.

The breakfast room was silent, the sound of silverware hitting plates and the crunching of cereal was all you can hear. The silence was loud. Too loud. He wants to leave.

Hosuh finished eating his breakfast, standing up, and going outside to enter the car that was ready to leave for school. The car was a jet black limousine that was incredibly expensive, it was spacious. Some of his siblings were already inside there.

The car door opened automatically, he hurried to the farthest seat to avoid his siblings. They wouldn't care, they avoid him too. With his sudden snap earlier, they don't seem eager to talk trash about him today. That makes him delighted.

The tenth day of school was today, Hosuh hopes that he would do decent during class. Who knows, he could make a friend, though that seems unlikely. He wishes himself good luck, let's tackle this day with excitement!


END NOTES : thank you for reading the prologue of the rewritten subject:murder! karlos hopes that you enjoy this fanfic, goodbye!

subject : murder (actuallyoddplanb)Where stories live. Discover now