Chapter 1

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After Jacob's response, Q joked, "Jacob is such an angel." The other members loudly chuckled and laughed, drowning Kevin's small words in English,

"Awe, soft Jacob."

The interviewer politely smiled before continuing their questions. Jacob grinned his shining smile before feeling his muscles drop to a frown at Kevin's statement. He couldn't explain the sudden switch but partial of him was almost mad at Kevin. Even mad wasn't the right word, he could never be truly mad with Kevin. Then what was he feeling? The thought pestered Jacob for the rest of the interview, tapping his shoulder constantly, awaiting for attention from it's master, but was Jacob really in control of this feeling here?

"Well, thank you so much for being here with us today."

Sangyeon smiled at the camera and thanked the interviewer back before signaling the other members to join him.

"This has been, THE BOYZ, thank you!"

The producer waved her hand before calling it a wrap. Most of the members stood and made a ruckus but Jacob couldn't hear a thing, his head still caught up on the single phrase "awe, soft Jacob."

"Soft Jacob, soft, soft? I'm not soft. Well, I guess I do come off as 'soft' but I don't know! Why does this bother me!" Jacob continued to mutter to himself in frustration, unaware of his surroundings yet managing to pass by without questions. Jacob thought that he just needed to sleep and would forget about today tomorrow. However, that night, Jacob tossed and turned in a cold sweat, his mind flashed glimpses, small slivers of images and videos, over and over. The sight of orange lit skin, slowly dancing hands dragging across a counter, small thin lips a shade of fuchsia, and a bejeweled diamond choker, snuggly around the neck. Many more images flooded his mind, melding together into a hodgepodge of arousing thoughts. Jacob could feel his toes curl as a voice whispered repeatedly, words almost incoherent but the tone clear.

"Do I taste like candy? I want your lips all over me, come on baby, don't leave me looking like this all alone." It was deep and sultry, silky like satin made of gold. Jacob finally awoke with his shirt drenched in sweat, outlining the crevice of his body, every muscle. He also felt a throbbing pain from below. He groaned with annoyance, unsure of what to do at such a late hour. The young blond glanced over at his roommate, watching the older man's stomach rise and fall, listening to his steady breathing. With that, Jacob laid back down, pushing past the pain in hopes it'd die down.

Nights passed, every single one restless. Thoughts of lips, hands, legs, sheathed in sheer netting, dimly lit, all contorting and wrapping around various other limbs, objects. The sensation of being touched, looking down at a nameless face but getting riled from seeing their mouth agape, that same voice from the very first night moaning out, whining his name. It drove him mad, the body felt so familiar, the voice that spoke was always distant but close like home, it was so sweet, enveloping Jacob in its warmth. Jacob didn't care, he'd chase that melody all the way to hell and back if it meant tasting their sweet lips, seeing them whimper and plead for the feeling of release.

But even then, Jacob wondered who danced in his dreams, which soul was responsible for keeping him up so late, and could they do it for real?

Jacob sighed at such an ignorant thought, regardless, maybe it was better he had no clue, for what if it were another member or a friend? With that, Jacob pushed the thought back during the day, and in the nights the siren's voice called he'd let the thoughts roam, imprinting themselves deeply in his mind. There was no point in fighting, but as he let the body grow closer to him, the face became clearer, the voice started to make its way to meet with the name, fingertips barely touching. It was like a mirror shattering in reverse, and yet he still felt unlucky, what if it were just a fictional character? But as soon as those heavenly eyes shone, Jacob knew,

It was Kevin

He didn't want to believe it, jolting awake once the realization dawned upon him. All those damned whispers of confession, the staggering breathes, screams of delight, hands that gripped at his back, the scent and taste that lingered in his mouth in the morning,

It was all Kevin.

It was his band member.

It was his best friend.

Ever since that interview, Kevin noticed Jacob acting a little off. The next morning he seemed a lot more sluggish, lids dropping farther down rather than squinted, which wasn't that strange since they had a weird schedule but he could've sworn Jacob had gone to bed with the rest of the members, and the others seemed just fine. Kevin tried confronting the sloth-like member, greeted by a smile, lips softly curved at the tips upwards, looking more alive.

But it wasn't the same.

Bandmates, roommates, and friends.

For only 3 years, and yet Kevin could feel the tension, the air was different than usual. He could tell when the other was upset, could tell when the other was hiding something. He knew the sealed teeth weren't genuine. He could remember a true smile from Jacob, one saved for members, including himself. The crinkles that would form below his eyelid as his cheeks started to swell, and puff like a chipmunk. The teeth that shone like gemstones or stars in the night, the light to his darks, the stars that sit by the moon, his sun as Kevin was the shadow. The grin he gave that morning was nothing, it was nothing truthful, it was nothing natural, it meant nothing to Jacob, void of any emotion. Kevin knew better than to press however, and so he smiled back. Feeling muscles ache and the fakeness to it all. They both knew neither was being genuine and yet they moved on.

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