Chapter 13: Scandal

Start from the beginning

I had my arm around him while he walked back with me to the hotel. I couldn't see where I was going and I couldn't remember what room I was in. I was slumped over the reception desk while Mick asked the man behind the desk for my room number.

"What name is it?" He asked.

"Nikki Sixx" I mumbled as I lay on my arm. I was so fucked I could've easily fallen asleep standing up.

"Nikki Sixx" Mick said more clearly.

"Mr Sixx, there's actually been a message left for you from a...Miss Olivia Riley..." he said as he held up a piece of paper.

I leaned over the desk and snatched it away from him. I stumbled back as I opened the piece of paper up and squinted my eyes as I tried to read the words.

"Hey Mick!? Can you read this?" I said as I fell into him and slammed the piece of paper against his chest.

"She said she's proud of you, she misses you and she can't wait to see you" he grumbled as he passed me the piece of paper.

"You see, this is real love" I smirked as I looked at the dude behind the desk and held up the piece of paper.

"Here! You wanna see how hot she is!?" I said as I pulled out my wallet and looked at the photo of me and Liv inside.

"He doesn't wanna see it. Can I get his room number now!?" Mick said as he raised his voice.

"She's very pretty Mr Sixx. Room 353" he said as he looked at Mick.

"Hell yeah she is! Actually can I borrow this phone!? I need to make a call?" I asked. Mick tried to pull me back but I'd already leaned over the desk and was soaking Liv's phone number.

"Hello?" A groggy male voice said.

I sobered up on the spot! Who the fuck was this dude!? Maybe I just dialled the wrong number.

"Who is this?" I asked. I could see Mick and the reception dude look at each other.

"It's Dave... Liv's asleep, can I take a message?"

Fucking Dave!? I leave her alone for a fucking week and she ends up back in bed with her ex fucking boyfriend!?

I could feel the rage instantly take over my body. I slammed the phone down. I noticed a glass vase filled with flowers next to me. I grabbed it by the neck of the vase and launched it across the lobby.

"Nikki!? What the fuck!?" Mick yelled.

I started going crazy. I totally fucking lost it.

I started punching the desk, I kicked and threw chairs across the lobby, I punched through a mirror and then went all macho man when I picked up a table and threw that too.

Vince and Tommy must have come in and saw the carnage unfold because the pair of them dived on me and pinned me to the ground.

"Nikki! What the fuck, dude!?" Tommy yelled.

"You gotta calm the fuck down" Vince said as he pinned me back down to the ground.

Dishing The Dirt: Nikki Sixx • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now