"Are you alright?" Fred asked her, holding both her hands and looking in her eyes. "What am I saying? You can't be."

"Well actually I'm not th-" Rachel began to say but stopped as she was suddenly brought into a tight hug.

She laughed at his sudden abruptness and blushed into his chest, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and Fred's arms holding her back tightly. They stood like that for some time, Rachel enjoying the warmth Fred gave her until he pulled away.

He looked at her for a moment and when he was satisfied that he had cheered her up, he walked off with a smile.

When he had gone, Hermione sidled up to Rachel with a smirk plastered on her face; she bit her tongue as she tried to contain her laugh. Rachel suddenly stopped staring at Fred and turned around, jumping slightly at Hermione's sudden appearance.

"Oh piss off." Rachel rolled her eyes, noticing Hermione's ridiculous smirk.

Quickly, Rachel pushed Hermione like she had done on the stairs but fifteen minutes ago if that. Gasping dramatically, Hermione pushed Rachel back and as she stumbled over, Hermione took off up the dorm stairs with Rachel following closely behind.

They flew into their dorm and jumped on the beds, throwing pillows and casting silly jinxes at each other (Rachel ended up with candy floss pink hair and Hermione had a fit of hiccups). When Lavender and Pavarti entered, Rachel and Hermione fell onto the beds to calm down hurriedly. Although it didn't work.

Hermione hiccuped every ten seconds which caused Rachel to laugh hysterically, and every time Hermione glanced at Rachel she would burst out into giggles; staring at her friend with candy floss pink hair.

Mainly just to please their dorm mates, Rachel and Hermione changed and sat as quietly as they could on Hermione's bed. They whispered to each other so they would not disturb the girls sleep.

"Oh blimey, we have to have that transfiguration paper in soon haven't we?" Rachel groaned in realisation.

"Not until the Monday, you have the whole weekend and plus we have a large study session on Monday. It's in the morning and then we have transfiguration in the afternoon." Hermione nodded.

"Ah..." Rachel mumbled. "Your hiccupping has stopped."

"Your hair is still pink." Hermione giggled, holding her hands to her mouth to stop her making a loud noise.

For a moment Rachel looked puzzled but then took a strand of her hair from her ponytail and looked at it wide eyed. She had not even noticed. Frantically Rachel looked at Hermione and then back to her hair before dissolving into laughter - much to Lavender's annoyance.

"Hermione!" Rachel gasped. "Candy floss pink?"

"It should come out in a day or two." Hermione wiped the tears from her eyes as she stopped laughing.

Rachel sat there surprisingly calm and looked at her hair once more before smirking. "I hope McGonagall likes my hair colour."

"I'm sure she will..." Hermione smiled back, imagining the reaction of McGonagall.

Hermione was not into pranks and tricks, in fact she was quite serious most of the time. But since becoming friends with Rachel last year, she had felt as though she had changed and perhaps for the better. She still focused on her school work but was not as serious. One thing Hermione noticed about herself was the language she used and the way she spoke too. It was more, sarcastic and 'sassy' as Rachel would put it.

"So." Rachel said, stretching out on the bed comfortably. "Have you got a date to the Yule Ball?"

"Not yet." Hermione said looking thoughtful.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now