Pt. 1

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Ever since your lover died you've changed a lot. you decided to visit Sangwoo's grave and bring some flowers.

You arrive at the graveyard and look for Sangwoo's grave. After looking for a bit you finally find it.

The smell of the cold fall air gives you memories of when you and Sangwoo used to take long walks in the park in fall before the fire.

The memories start to make you tear up and you begin to cry. You hear a voice trying to comfort you and you look behind you. There's a boy with messy black hair and a sort of emotionless expression on his face.

He tells you:

"It's okay. I know how it is to lose someone you love."

You stand there without saying a thing.

He says to you "My name is Yoonbum, you?"

You tell him "Oh, I'm Y/N."

He then looks at his watch and tells you "Oh. Sorry I need to go."

You say back to him "Goodbye." As you continue to remember things you used to do with Sangwoo.

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