Futakuchi: It's 07.00p.m right now... Y/N want to know what could help you to forget your sadness for now?

Y/N: eh? what is it?

Futakuchi san smiles at me and stands up. He takes my hand and pulls me out of the cafe.

Y/N: F-Futakuchi san... um where are we going?

Futakuchi san looks back at me and grins. Somehow seeing his face gives me some sort of unfamiliar feeling.

Futakuchi: let's watch a movie...

Futakuchi san and I are heading to the cinema. He's walking ahead of me while holding my hand. I watch as his broad back moves. Futakuchi san is really tall, he's like one of the tallest people in my year back in high school. The top of my head probably only reaches his chest.

I look down at our intertwined hands. When I was going with Gin san, we used to hold hands but it feels different than when I hold Futakuchi san's. Futakuchi san's hand is

Warm and gentle...

Futakuchi san made me wait as he buys the tickets. I don't know what movie we're going to watch and he said he's not telling. We walk into one of the studios after he grabs some popcorn, and head to our seat. The moment the movie started, my body stiffens.

Y/N: Fu-Futakuchi san...

Futakuchi: hmm?

Y/N: it's...it's a... horror movie...

Futakuchi: yep... 

I look up at him and I'm sure he can see that I'm already scared.

Y/N: I... I'm scared of.. ghosts...

Futakuchi: I know...


Futakuchi san is smiling at me.

Futakuchi: Back then I remember, some of our classmates, the girls who sit in front of us were talking about our school urban legend... and I, definitely saw your reaction as you listen to them... I know you're scared of this kind of thing...

He... knew? 

Futakuchi: for now, let's get rid of your sadness... and the effective way is... to be scared... it's okay...

He beams a smile at me.

Futakuchi: I'm here...

For once...

The moment I heard he says he knew about me...

I feel...


■Futakuchi's POV■

We're already in the middle of the movie. Y/N keeps squirming and covers her eyes with her hands. But she's also peeking through her fingers.

How adorable...

Though I'm happy that she could express her feeling, I don't like seeing her sad and cry for long. I know it's stupid but somehow I ended up taking her to watch this scary movie. 

At least she's not that sad anymore...

I'm not actually following the movie. I can't help but steal a glance at her once in a while, looking at her reaction. I'm looking at her as she focuses her eyes on the screen, don't know what scene is on the screen when.

Customers: AAAAAAAAA

Everyone is screaming because maybe the ghost is appearing, but I couldn't care less. My head is solely focused on Y/N who's hiding her face on my shoulder. My heart is beating faster at the sight of her face so close to mine. She's clenching on my shirt and slowly opens her eyes, trying to look at the screen.

Y/N: is... is it gone?

I don't know I'm not looking at the screen...

Futakuchi: No... it's still on the screen...

Y/N shuts her eyes again and still clenching on my shirt.

Will god punish me for deceiving this adorable girl next to me?

Futakuchi: um it's gone...

Y/N finally calmed but then realizes what kind of position we're in. She moves back and apologizes in a whisper.

Y/N: I... i'm sorry... oh no, I made your shirt scuffled...

Futakuchi: It's okay... I'll take responsibility... after all, I'm the one who brought you here no?

I offer her my hand.

Futakuchi: you can use me until the movie ends...

She looks shy, but then the people start screaming and it startled her as she grabs my hand unconsciously. And when she realizes it she looks shy but she didn't let go.

Y/N: um I... I'll borrow your hand a little longer... Futakuchi san...

Dang, she's really cute...

I can't help but laugh a little at her cuteness.

Futakuchi: It's all yours... 

■3rd Person POV■

The movie ends after about an hour and forty five minutes. Y/N looks tired as they walk out of the cinema. She's tired of squealing and do silent screaming.

Futakuchi: so how's that...

Y/N: It's scarryyyy... futakuchi san how could you take me to watch thaaat???

Y/N is pouting and Futakuchi was stunned to see her pout. It's the first time he sees Y/N have that kind of expression. Y/N notices that Futakuchi is staring at her.

Y/N: W-what is it Futakuchi san?

Futakuchi laughs and waves his hands in front of him.

Futakuchi: haha, nothing... it's just... I get to see another expression of yours... your pouting face looks good on you too...

Y/N could feel her heart is beating faster. She's wondering, did she really shows him many kind of expression? All this time, she always tries to look decent. Showing a smile in every occasion, no matter how she feels. But when she's with Futakuchi, she feels at ease, as if she can show him everything.

Futakuchi: I'm I get to see those faces of yours...

Y/N stares at the smiling Futakuchi and she's the one who's grateful to meet him again

Y/N: I'm grateful that I met you again Futakuchi san... when I'm around you...

Futakuchi's eyes widened and he was enticed by what he sees in front of him.

Y/N: It feels like I can do anything and shows my feelings... I guess... I feel comfortable around you...

Futakuchi sees as Y/N beams a beautiful smile. Not the smile she shows to everyone back in high school, but a genuinely happy smile. His heart is throbbing at the sight of her.

Futakuchi: I'm... also glad that I met you again...

Futakuchi shows a gentle smile that makes Y/N's face grew warm.

The girl was sad...

And the boy gets to cheer her up...

Now, the two hearts are beating for each other...

As they learn about the meaning of comfort...

In each other's presence...

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