Don't expect too much Khushi.. This is a contract marriage. She reminded herself.

She sound of door opening made her look towards the entrance of the room

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She sound of door opening made her look towards the entrance of the room. Her husband entered the room and closed the door.

He had a large envelope and a paper bag with him.She rose from the bed when he came near her. He extended the envelope and said.

"Keep it with you."

"What is this?" She asked in confusion.

"I have opened an account in your name. Your cheque book, bank passbook, credit card and some hard cash is in this envelope. You will need it. "

"But Arnavji.. I don't need this. I mean you don't have to.. "

"Khushi.. We are married and you are my responsibility. "

"Yes we are but marriage of one year. "Her reply pissed him off but he remained cool.

"We promised each other that we will try to make this marriage work in this one year. Please accept this Khushi. I am giving this to you as a husband. "

His tone was softer this time. She took the envelope and thanked him without making a fuss. He extended the white paper bag and said. "And This is a gift for you."

She accepted the bag and opened it. It was an apple iphone 12 pro. She never asked for anything from her father unless it is absololutely necessary. She made it as a habit not to demand anything. But whenever her father bought something for Payal, he bought for her also. When he gifted her a smartphone last year, her buaji became very angry.

But how to tell her husband that there is no meaning in showering such expensive gifts on her. He already stocked many expensive dresses and jewelries for her. Maybe he is thinking a relationship works based on these materialistic things? From her expression he understood she was going to refuse it.

"Gift hai isliye mana mat karna please. If you did not like it we can check for other models."

"No no this is fine. Thank you."

"Ok then . I need to go to office for sometime. I will be back before the ceremony starts. "

That is why he was wearing formals. He left the room after taking his bag and file from the study.

After two hours she started getting ready in the saree Anjali gifted her for the Muhdikhayi.

She was accompanied by Anjali to the hall with her head covered. She was disappointed when Anjali told her Arnav did not return yet. As the guests arrived already she said they will start the ceremony.

From her mayka her father, mother and Payal came. She was very happy to see them.

After the family members the ladies present in this ceremony turn by turn came close, and give her gifts after seeing her face.

When the ceremony is over Anjali removed her ghoongat and asked the guest to have food.

She received compliments from all the guests, some genuine and some fake

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She received compliments from all the guests, some genuine and some fake. When almost all the guests after food , one lady in late fifties in an expensive loud saree and jewelry entered the house.

The lady stared at Khushi with total contempt.

"Hello I am Savithri. Seems like I am late for the ceremony. I was not feeling well from the morning but then I thought will come and see the girl for whom Arnav rejected my daughter "

Khushi didn't know what to say. Her family members were on the other side of the hall talking to her father and sister.

"Arrey Savithri she is not that special to come and see. Arnav bitwa will also realize it soon."

Manorama smirked adding fuel to the fire.

"I heard that her family did not have the money to do the marriage ceremony in a decent way and Arnav had to agree for a temple marriage. Is that right?"

"Aur nahi to kya. They did not give any dowry also. It is true that we didnot ask for dowry but the girl's family should gift something expensive to a high class family like us know?"

"I thought she will be someone beautiful and sophisticated like my daughter but she is no where in comparison to her."

Khushi's eyes welled with tears hearing the taunts.

"I don't know why Arnav rejected our proposal for this girl."

"I rejected your proposal because you came here to sell your daughter for your benefit."

Khushi, Manorama and Savithri looked back when they heard her husband's voice.

As soon as his eyes locked with his wife's, the welled up tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it off and looked away.

His loud voice grabbed the family's attention and they gathered around them in no time.

"What is she doing here mami?" He asked Manorama.

"Woh Arnav bitwa I invited her along with my women's club friends."

"That doesn't give the right to you or her to insult my wife."

Manorama flinched at the acidity in his voice.

"Manorama see.. yesterday only they got married and today your nephew is fighting with you for this girl. He forgot what all you have done for him and his sister."

"She has a name. And that is Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada. Mrs. Kapoor you thought the marriage between your daughter and me can save your drowning family business. I understand your disappointment. But If one more word against my wife I will make sure you will be left with nothing before the sun rises tomorrow. So don't you dare. And mami Khushi is the daughter in law of this house just like you. This is her house also. I didn't forget what all you have done for me, but if you have done all that out of love for your nephew then treat Khushi with respect. "

After instructing Hari Prakash to bring food to their room he left from the hall grabbing his wife's hand.



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