When the bell went off .
Jaden got up form his seat. He banged his hand the table and ran towards the teacher, towards the ground ,  holding his  throat with all his might . His smile growing and his teeth now visible.

The students ran from the class towards them .

They tried pulling Jaden apart but he had gained enormous strength.

Ethan entered the school campus and saw that Jaden was chocking his teacher .

Ethan ran towards them and shouted

Jaden as if he woke up from a slumber looked around himself . He let go the teacher who was coughing, and his lungs were in desperate need of air.

Jaden then looked towards Ethan ,who was shocked seeing Jaden .

Jaden with a confused look said "I....um..... E-ethan ...  Are you .... Looking for Sam ?.... She's not home .... I guess... . Wait .... This is not my home ....." He hiccuped " isn't this place familiar though ...... Oh right .... My school.... Why ... What ?".

And he fainted.


Jaden woke up in his bed at his house .
As soon as he woke up his head was throbbing uncontrollably . He couldn't open his eyes .

Seeing him get up Sam came and gave him some pills and finally Jaden felt a bit calm

"What happened?" He asked

"You were trying to choke your teacher at school and then you fainted ... Ethan brought you home." Sam explained

"I... I don't remember any of that " he said still clutching his head

"Today is weird . I felt something was off so I asked Ethan to check on you . Next time, you answer your phone even if it means you'll get expelled. Alright !?" Sam said

"... I feel drowsy ..   " Jaden murmured

"Sleep a little " Sam said tucking her younger brother to the bed

~Emily & Ava's school~

Eric was still shocked . Seeing a scar on Ava's hand was still a mystry
"Shut that loud ass mouth of yours !! Or I'll kick you in places you don't know exists !!!!" Ava yelled when Eric was about ask about the nasty scar .
"O-ok-kay-y." He replied shuttering
It was break time and the whole group was out munching on something or other

Emily couldn't understand how she could push someone without having a control over herself

Ava was sweating under the jacket

Shawn was seated on the bench, his leg rested on the bench

Eric thinking of all the possible ways Ava can get hurt , and why was she hiding it ?..

Vanessa started a conversation.
"You know today Emily and Ava are like angry birds hehheeh.... Getting angry at ... Nothing at all !!" And giggled

Stacy joined the laugh

Though the subjects of the joke were not very attentive

"You know good friends help when they feel like the other is not like usual ... Rather than making a joke of it ..." Shawn stated

"Is it funny to laugh at... Huh... Stacy , Vanessa ?" Eric commented

" You think I'm a bad friend? Well I don't think good friends do that to your leg."Vanessa said pointing at the wound on Shawn's leg

"And I was trying to 'lighten' the mood here ... Okay... But since you want to be gloomy stay here " she said running away and Stacy ran to her.

"It's okay ... Everyone has bad days we are not robots now are we ?" Eric said and passed some crackers to the girls .

~The secret place ~

The group sat there wondering how the day went ... Jaden was missing as he was resting. 

Sam got up and said " okay guys ... This is haunting me all day ... I need to take this out ."

Emily and Ava became attentive and nodded

"So yesterday... Someone came through the window in my house .... And they tried to attack me ... They tried to choke me ... But I counter attached with the cutter I had nearby .... And I somehow survived .... It was small figure ... I don't know who though " She said

"I have something bugging me too" Emily said head lowered

Ava and Sam nodded

" I ... I don't know how and why ... But I ... Pushed Shawn in the ground and he got severely wounded ... I didn't want to I swear ..... But as if got possessed or something .... I ...ugh....also 2 days back I heard some noise in the corridor... When went to see... There was a hooded figure ...I...argh ! " She said holding her head

Ava and Sam patted her and consoled her

Ava thought .... My hand ... It looks like I got hurt by a c-cutter.

Wasn't it a nightmare ?
D-did I get hurt my mistake or?

"Guys I-l..... 2 days ago, Addie came to my house ... He was acting weird . And I went to kitchen to bring some snaks , when I returned... Addie was not there and .... Mom told me that h-he got into an accident .... At a park near his house ." She said and the other two looked shocked .

"A-and ... Yesterday I had a nightmare.... I thought someone attacked me... But when I woke up I had a scare on my hand there .... And it looks like a cutter wound.... I..."

Fear and shock were clearly visible on each one of their faces which had lost all colour .

Hey guys ~
So I think you'll are a bit confused right now ... But It'll all clear up ....
Thanks for reading
Vote and comment for motivating us
See ya next Monday
             ~ Rhea

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