-after Arizonas shift-

I walk into my house & for the first time in a long time, I walk into the smell of dinner, the sound of laughter, & a warm feeling fills inside of me as I shut the door. Sofia runs over to me as I sit my bags down. "Mom!" I hug her & pick her up. "Hi honey!" I hold her with one arm walking over to the hallway so I can take off my coat. "How was you day mom?" I smile as I look at her. "It was great." I smile at her missing these moments.

Callie's POV:

I'm over at the stove making dinner & watching Arizona tell Sofia all about her day with the biggest smile on her face.

"Mama look!" I feel Sofia grab my wrist and drag me away from where I'm making dinner to take me too her room. She shows me this hidden compartment & little areas in her closet that Arizona has built in for Sofia. She gives me the tour of her room & I'm smiling the whole time.

I never knew Arizona could do all of this. She did the interior of Sofia room & the little secrets around the room. It looks beautiful.

"I know baby, it's beautiful. Go play, dinner is almost ready." I say to her & she smiles running into the living room while I walk towards the kitchen that's connected to the living room.

I see Arizona stirring the sauce. "Sorry, I'll get out of your way. It was just starting to boil so I stirred it & turned the heat down a little." She smiles holding the spoon so I can take it from her. "Thank you."

Arizona's POV:

Our fingers touch when she takes the spoon, but I try not to notice.

"So, what are you making? It smells amazing." I ask as she adds some spices to the sauce.

I go to the living room tidying it up & cleaning a bit.

"Oh just some spaghetti, it's what Sofia wanted." she says as she combines the noodles, sauce, & meat.

I chuckle. "Definitely her mama's daughter." I say not realizing I said it out loud. I clean the counter tops & Callie sets the food up on the counter almost like a buffet.

I go to Sofia & pick her up blowing raspberries on her stomach. She laughs "Mom! I'm not a little kid." I chuckle, "I know, doesn't mean I can't still see you as my little girl." We laugh. "Go wash your hands, dinner is ready." I sit her down & she runs to the bathroom.

I rub my face because I'm a little stressed & I guess Callie noticed. "You okay?" She asks and I look at her giving the best fake smile I could. "Yeah, I'm great."
She gives me a look. "That smile is so fake. Where's the magic?" She gives me a look but we don't say anything further we just eat.

Callie's POV:

After dinner, Sofia brushes her teeth & I clean up in the kitchen while Arizona reads Sofia a story.

"She's asleep." Arizona smiles at me closing her door softly.

"Good. She needs too sleep. I swear she runs a mile a minute." I say as Arizona stands next to me. We always did the dishes together so I guess she wanted to continue tradition.

I wash the dishes as she dries them & puts them away.

"Sounds like me. Especially lately." She chuckles & puts away a dish.

"Yeah you've always been like that." I say handing her another dish.

She sighs and smiles sadly. "Yeah I guess I have." As she puts away the last dish.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as she lays on the couch rubbing her face.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me." She says.

"Let me guess 'you're fine'" I tell her.

Arizona's POV:

"Yeah just haven't slept lately." I say looking at her while laying on the couch.

Callie gives me a look. "We can go to a motel or something."

I sit up. "No, no. Please stay. It's not your fault. I don't know why it's happening."

She sits next to me on the couch and I look at her. "I'm okay Calliope. I promise."

She smiles. Then looks away from me.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. "I've seen it on you're face since you got here."

She looks at me.

"I broke up with Penny. And- I couldn't tell her that I didn't love her anymore so I just up & ran. I didn't want to go home to my dad & mom. And Seattle was the only place I could think of. But, when I got here I didn't know where else to go. So, I came here." She sighs & takes a deep breath because she had talked really fast.

I look at her. "Okay, so you just didn't tell Penny."

"No. And she's been calling me all day." She says

I look at her & nod. "You should call her back. Let her know you're okay. Tell her the truth."

Callie looks at me. "You always were so convincing." I smile. "I know." She chuckles. "I always hated it."
I gave her a smirk "Because I'm right & I'm awesome." We laugh

She hugs me. "Thank you Arizona." I smile & hug her back. "I'm always here for you Calliope. Always have been, always will be. Whatever you need." We hug for a moment longer before pulling away. We stare at each other for a moment as something lingers in the air. It felt just like how it did when we met.

Who knows what would've happened if someone didn't knock at my door.

I smile at her. "So many surprise visitors." I say teasingly. And I get up to answer the door.

"Hey Arizona" Eliza kisses me & walks in the door.

"Eliza, wh-what are you doing here?" I ask and I look at Callie who looks uncomfortable.

"Just wanted to stop by." Eliza says seeing Callie. "Oh sorry, I didn't know you had company." She walks over to Callie with her hand out. "Eliza Minnick, & you are?"

Callie smiles & shakes her hand, I can't tell who's more uncomfortable me or her.

"Callie Torres, nice too meet you." And Eliza's face goes white.

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