"Whoa." Iduna adjusted her grip and angled the sword. "This is lovely, thank you. How does it reverse its transformation?"

"There is a button at the top of the hilt; press it." Iduna listens again, and the sword reverts to the silver pen. Iduna steps away from Peter as he starts to take off his pants. She turns and walks over to the bar and finds a little whiskey bottle on one of the lowers shelves. As she bends down, the door to the bar swings open.

Brad appears in shock as Peter scrambled to stop the agent from shooting the teenager. "No, no, no. Don't..."

Iduna sticks her head up from the bar and takes the bottle. "Whoa!" She almost let out a laugh as Brad stuck out his hand, trying to understand what he just walked in on.

They were at a standstill for a moment. "Uh..." Peter looked to Iduna for help, but the girl was enjoying seeing Peter panic. She obviously wouldn't let anything wrong happen.

"Sorry. I thought this was the bathroom." Iduna sent Brad a confused look, even though he couldn't see her from behind the counter. He left the group on purpose because they all went to the toilets.

"This is not what it looks like." Peter frantically shakes his hand as Brad turns his body towards the exit.

"Yeah." Brad aims at his phone and takes a picture.

Iduna did not expect that. "What are you doing?"

Brad smirks at his new photo. "I'll leave you alone."

"Oh my god," Peter says as the agent aims her gun up. "Don't shoot anybody." Peter pulls up his pants as he leaves the bar. "Brad? It's not what it looks like, buddy."

The agent lowers her gun. "I did not expect that." Iduna says as she comes out of the bar area and picks up Peter's new suit. Before she turns to leave, Iduna looks at the agent seriously. "You weren't actually going to shoot that kid, right?" There was no change on the agent's emotionless face. "Oh. You know what? I don't need an answer to that. Um, nice doing business with you. Hopefully, we can do this again. Bye."

She closes the door behind her to find Peter just standing in one place as the rest of the students make their way back to the bus. She idles up next to him. "I got your suit." She watches as Brad joins MJ in the line. "What happened?"

"Brad's going to show a picture of that lady and me to MJ. He's totally going to ruin my chance with her." Peter looked defeated.

"Brad's a jerk."

"Why didn't you help me? I was vulnerable." Peter quipped nervously. The school chaperones yell at them to hurry up.

"What did you want me to do? Get in front and smile for the camera?" Iduna said as the hero teens join everyone by the bus.

Peter sighed with frustration. "No... you could've gently knocked him out." They both noticed MJ look back and motion to Iduna to come to stand with her.

Before Peter could ask, Iduna already agreed. "I'll make sure he doesn't show her the photo. You find a way to delete it." Peter let Iduna put her suit in his bag.

All the students pile onto the bus. Peter ends up right at the front, the furthest away from Brad, MJ, and Iduna, all sitting at the back of the bus's rear. To buy Peter some time, Iduna managed to sit between them and kept an eye out for Brad's stupid phone.

For the past twenty minutes, Brad spoke about this bus ride is so tiring. If he fell asleep, she could easily steal his phone. She also sent Peter a text to create a distraction in case her plan doesn't work out.

She and MJ talked about architecture about the fuel stop when she saw Peter stand up from his seat with Tony's glasses. Her heart dropped as Peter shoots a web at Dimitri before the bus then swerves, causing everyone to lose their balance. The bus then collides into the railing of the road they were on, and everyone saw a glimpse of the cliff before them

"Hey, this is not the autobahn!" Mr Dell yells as MJ slams into Iduna, who then falls over onto Brad. Iduna notices Brad's phone fall out from his hands, and he doesn't even see.

"What the hell?" MJ questions as the three of them sit back up. As they all look to the front again, Peter suddenly points to the outside of the bus.

"Look at the baby mountain goats!" Peter exclaims excitedly as all eyes look out from the bus. Brad gets up, which opens the perfect chance for Iduna to snatch up the phone. The only thing is that he stopped to look back for MJ. At that moment, Iduna panicked and stepped on the phone hard.

Everyone was quite disappointed when they couldn't see anything. "Didn't see any mountain goats." Mr Harrington says sadly.

Iduna looks back at Peter. "You missed them." He says breathlessly with messy hair. He did not have messy hair just before.

"I know you think none of us has noticed Peter," Betty says from her seat, freaking Peter out.

"What?" He asks.

"But your new look, I love it" Betty must've looked at Ned for confirmation. "Right, babe?"

Peter smiles sincerely. "Thanks." She watches as Peter slumps into his seat.

"Oh, what? You've got to be kidding me." Brad frustratedly says as he picks up his phone.

MJ leans over Iduna and looks up at Brad. "How'd that happen?"

Brad shakes his head disapprovingly. Iduna's heart was racing by now. "I must've stood on it when I got up to see the mountain goats."

That is probable.

"Is it broken?" Iduna asks, wishing it was.

"Yup. Even the on button came off."

Iduna felt relieved. MJ reclined back into her seat as she picked up her phone. She sends Peter a text that she broke Brad's telephone and that Peter better checks Brad's cloud server just in case.

Iduna and Peter caught each other's eyes through the headrests. For now, they were okay.

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