Chapter 2

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  I was sitting at a desk , all by my self . In front of me , standing by a white board was my teacher, Mr Galvin - a gruff , grey toned man with barely any hair left . It was the second hour after lunch , and I just wish they would let me lie down and shut my eyes for only five minutes . 

Do u remember what I taught  you about yesterday? ', Mr Galvin asked 

I nod 'FIRE'

Yes , good , now tell me what's it stand for ?

' Flares Information Recovery Endeavour'

Very good ', Mr Galvin says .' Now 

He turns back to the board and wrote three letters PFC. P.......F......C . That stands for  Post Flares Coalition , which was a direct results of FIRE . Once they hear from as many country  as possible , gather repsantatives  and so forth , they could start dealing with the specular  disaster caused by the sun flares , while FIRE figures out the full ramification of the sun flares and who had been affected , the PFC tries to fix things . Do you have any questions?

Yes actually', I say. You have FIRE and PFC to fight the flare , where do i come in? Why do you need blood sample's from me everyday ,' I ask.

Hmm , as you know , you are immune to the virus, so that means the cure is somewhere in your blood ,' He explains 

So....... have you then,' i ask. 

Have we what?,' he asks confused .

Found a cure, I mean  ,' I say.

We are close ,' He says.

How close ,' I ask.

Thats not for me to say ,'He says.

But-,' i get cut of by him.

This conversation is over , we have a lot to learn this week, so , best get started ,' he says , and continues with his teaching .


Short chapter sorry, my next one will be longer i promise. And please be safe .Dont die ,cus thats what covid wants. And if u need to talk to someone , im here :))) Bye for now.....

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