Chapter 1 - Platform 9 and 3/4

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"It's the same every year. Packed with muggles, of course. Come on! Platform 9 and 3/4 this way!" Mrs Weasley said, leading her children through the bustling crowd.
Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Y/N pushed their trunks forward, following their mother, who was holding Ginny's hand.

"Alright, Percy. You first," Mrs Weasley said, gesturing from him to the wall.
Just as Y/N had seen him do 4 times before, Percy went through the barrier with ease.
"Now, you two," Mrs Weasley said, looking at Fred and George, "this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've- you've blown up a toilet or-"
"Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet," said George.
"Great idea, though. Thanks, Mum," said Fred.
"It's not funny," frowned Mrs Weasley, "Fred, your turn!"
"He's not Fred! I am," said George.
Y/N smirked at the trick they were playing. She was the only person who could tell the twins apart.
"Honestly, woman. You call yourself our mother," said Fred.
"Oh, sorry, George," said Mrs Weasley.
Fred shrugged and walked towards the platform.
"I'm only joking. I am Fred," he said, before taking off into the wall, followed by George.

"Excuse me!" a sudden voice called from behind.
Ron and Y/N turned around to see a boy who looked about their age. He wore round glasses and had dark hair, a fringe covering his forehead. He pushed his trunk forward, walking to them.
"C- Could you tell me how to-" he started, struggling to find his words.
"How to get onto the platform?" Mrs Weasley asked.
The boy nodded.
"Yes, not to worry, dear. It Ron's and Y/N's first times to Hogwarts as well," Mrs Weasley said, "Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run, if you're nervous."
"Good luck," said Ginny.
The boy looked the wall up and down, before running into it and disappearing.

It was Ron's turn next. He hugged Mrs Weasley and Ginny, before running into the wall as well. A grin spread across Y/N's face as she realised what was about to happen. She was about to get onto platform 9 and 3/4 and board the Hogwarts Express. She was finally going to Hogwarts! She gave her mother a big hug and then turned to Ginny.
"I'll miss you," said Ginny.
"Oh, I'll miss you too, Gin," said Y/N, hugging her little sister.
"Promise you'll write."
"I promise," chuckled Y/N, placing a kiss on Ginny's head, "Oh, and I'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."
Ginny giggled, but Mrs Weasley stuck her finger out and said, "You'll do no such thing!"
"Alright, Mum. Keep your hair on," said Y/N.
She then turned around and took in a deep breath. She held her trolley and ran forward in the wall. As she passed through it, she didn't feel anything. It was like she wasn't walking through anything.

She perked her head up to search for her brothers and immediately caught sight of Ron, who wasn't too far from her.
"Ron! Come on! Let's go find the others."
They had to push their way past many people, but finally found Fred and George, who were talking to their friend, Lee Jordan.
"Where's Percy?" asked Y/N.
"Here he comes now," said Fred.
Percy was getting off the train and walking towards them. He strode with his chest jutting out, showing off his Prefect badge.
"Why are you just standing here? You're going to be late. Almost all the compartments are full already," he said as he reached them, "Hurry up! I can't wait around. I'm up front. The prefects have got two compartments to themselves-"
"Oh, are you a prefect, Percy?" gasped George, "You should have said something. We had no idea."
"Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it." said Fred.
"Or twice-"
"A minute-"
"All summer-"
"Oh, shut up," said Percy, ushering them to the train.

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