i sang along to the music. Really by myself i'm a softy . I feel like if I am soft to people they will try me but being mean people won't and they know not to. So I always stand my ground and be the psycho bitch everyone calls me, but around sean I feel like i don't have to be that. I feel like he understands me and that's what I love about him.

Okay bitch eww stop.

I soon pull up to dave's house and unlock the door with my key.

"yoooo" I yell seeing milan (dave's daughter) run up to me hugging my legs. "hey you little demon" i say picking her up and kissing her.

"INDIA  MARIE HARRIS GET THE FUCK UP HERE AND STOP CALLING MY CHILD A DEMON" I hear dave yell so I roll my eyes and put her down going up stairs walking into the meeting room.

"what i tell you about calling my child a demon" Dave said sitting down at the table with the rest of the crew. 

"all kids are demons, they are born to cry,shit, and get hungry and expect you to do for them. And what I tell you about calling me by my full name . Fuck is you the feds." i rant putting my purse on the table and sitting in a chair.

"Your mom took care of you didn't she" I heard killa mumble. "bra why tf" eek says "omg you gon get her started" mir and dave say . I mug killa .

"That bitch ain't do shit for me okay?! mine as well had left me at the fucking hospital when she pushed my outta that loss ass dry ass pussy of hers. I would've been better off." I yell standing up feeling my eyes change as I grow angerier . Making dave get up. 


"bra why tf would you say that" eek says

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"bra why tf would you say that" eek says

"man i was just saying" killa says making me shake my head. 

"You gotta apologize" Dave says

"do what?" He says making a confused face. 

This nigga.

"say sorry nigga or she might just kill you" I say getting up as everyone else agrees. 

"where you going" 

"to calm her down since i'm the only person that can, i'm not tryna be here all day.

"aye mamas come here" i say pulling her into my chest seeing her cry .

Sy never cries, and if she does she finna do sum crazy or she crys alone. But i made a promise to her, that I will always be here. So here i am.

"I'm gonna kill him." she says into my chest

"no no no he's inner circle that means off limits, and he didn't know it was just a joke." i say picking up her chin and wiping her tears pecking her lips a few times.

Wtf did i just kiss her.

Wtf did i just kiss her

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Wtf did he just kiss me?! I liked it tehehe. I feel better now.

"ready to go back in" he asks 

"yes" i say walking out the room and into the meeting room and sit down mugging killa.

"don't fucking look at me." i say getting my phone outta my purse to text mir about what just happened.

"i'm sorry okay? I didn't know." he says looking at me . Didn't I just tell this nigga-.

"its fine" I say sending mir the text . "omg you lying" Mir says out loud making my palm my face. "you gotta be like the dumbest nigga in the world" I say rolling my eyes.

"Ok down to the juices." dave says grabbing everyone's attention. 

"yall all have to take a trip, to new york. It's a upcoming gang down there that's been filling our suppliers heads with lies to make them work with them and not us." dave says showing us pictures of the people, the trap, and addresses.

"They 12 hours away fuck they gon do" i say looking up from my phone. 


"nigga don't be mad at me cause they stealing YOUR shit. Cause we all know you need me more than anyone on this trip." I say putting my phone down making killa shuff. Nobody else said anything cause they knew it was true. Nobody more heartless than me. 

"Why you doing all that? You think he need YOU more than ME TUH! you couldn't even handle that nigga that stole the money. all you had to do was kill him. LITERALLY" I said looking at him making everybody laugh even dave. 

"really?" killa says looking at dave. "she's right" he says shrugging . 

"but yall need to get along, yall have both inner circle which means yall all fall on each other. so get to know each other and get ready cause yall going to new york tomorrow, yall will be staying down there for a month. Just to stand your ground and all of you will be in a mansion together." he explains



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