the burrow

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"I hate this game." Ron said with a serious tone. You were sitting at the Weasley's kitchen table playing uno with Ron. He was quite awful at it, but you would never admit that too him. You were very close with him and his family, and they loved you like a daughter.

You had always felt like Ron had a small crush on you. He would try to awkwardly flirt with you and you just let it roll off your back. Because there was someone else.

George came walking down the stairs.

"Hey, playing without me?" He smiled. "who's winning?"

"Who in the bloody hell do you think." ron sighed. You giggled putting your cards down.

"I'm heading up for a sleep, you all can play without me." You said sitting up. You heard george pull out the chair across from ron, talking quietly. You walked into the twins room looking for fred to say hello.

He sat on his bed with the herbology book you got him for christmas over his head. He was shirtless as usual, his toned shoulders relaxed. The veins in his arms were popping and his long fingertips lay on the spine of the book.

"Hey." he said peeking over the top of it.

"Erm- hi freddie" you said stuttering. His low voice caught you off guard.

"You know, this is the best gift anyone's ever given me" he paused closing the book paying full attention to you.

"I'm glad you like it, you should really work in herbology." you said with a grin. "You would be so good at it and i know you would more then enjoy it."

"I know. But I already promised george that we would work in the shop till the day we die basically" he chuckled under his breath.

"I guess so. I just think it would be fun and me and ms sprout could use some help you know." You said with a hint.

"Maybe i'll swing by. Check it out. Maybe i could like volunteer or something... just for a little while."

You nodded standing in the doorframe. His caramel colored eyes looked you up and down. You bite your lip and walk away.

"You wish Weasley!!" you shouted walking back down to the kitchen.

"What's got your cheeks all rosy?" George noticed the warmth in your face.

"It-it was hot up there" you stammered.

"Yeah right." he said raising his eyebrows.

"Shut up you git." you rolled your eyes at him. You sat on the couch smelling molly's delicious meal cooking.

You started to doze. The warm air from the fire mixed with the friendly smells from the kitchen just made you smile. You loved being at the weasley's, especially with what has been going on at home. With the anniversary of lily and james death coming up, dad was such a mess. But he finally started getting out in the world, and you were happy for him. He had been hanging out with sirius a lot lately, and that seemed to cheer him up. God your dad is so in love with him. It made you giggle thinking about it.

"What are you smiling to yourself about huh lupin?" Fred noticed you as his lanky body walked down the stairs. He was putting a shirt on, and you could see his v line and abs before they were covered by the cotton. Snap. Out. Of. It. You told yourself. But he's so hot.

"Oh nothing. Just thinking of dad and how he's holding up by himself" you said.

"I'm sure he's fine sav. Your his daughter you shouldn't be this worried about your own dad." He smiled at you reassuring you.

You both sat on the worn out couch, watching the fire crackle in front of you.

Fred started to shift out of the corner of your eye, leaving your mind to wander. What the fuck is he doing? He grabbed your foot and started to trace his fingers up and down your leg. It made you shudder. Out of no where, he leaned closer to you stabbing your sides and starting to tickle you.

"AHHH!! STOP IT F-FRED" your laughter increased, and you kicked and squirmed making fred laugh along with you. You started to poke and pry at him too, making him laugh even louder. You squirmed out of his grip and darted around the kitchen table, him getting up and chasing you.


"YEA?" you wove your wand to open the door to the outside before you. You shut it quickly behind you, feeling the wet grass on your bare feet, hearing Fred slam against the door cursing at you.

You turned back around to open the door again, and the tall ginger stood towering over you, rubbing his forehead where he hit it.

"DINNER." molly yelled so the whole house could hear.

We all sat at the dinner table digging into our food and talking about class. It was a tuesday and we were all stressed about first semester OWLS coming up, so we chatted about that amongst each other.

You ate till you were completely full. You all basically went your separate ways after dinner.

You were staying in the spare bedroom in the attic. It was quiet and dark but it had a roomy feel. You read your muggle book "the fault in our stars". You had a thing for depressing books. They were more interesting and exciting to get to the end. But of course one of them always ends up dying or leaving. Thats the only part that sucks.

You kept thinking about how fred grabbed your waist. The thought of his veiny hands grasping you made you want more. Your mind wandered in several places, but you were exhausted so you drifted off to sleep.

Freddie - a fred weasley fanficWhere stories live. Discover now