Chapter 9: Cat Demon

Start from the beginning

"What is he thinking? Why all of the sudden go to school together?" said Sakura as she rode down the lonely street. Did she did something wrong? But what could have she done wrong to him? She barely encounters him at home or school.

BAM! Sakura suddenly bumped into someone, making her fall back onto the cold ground.

"I'm sorry!" Sakura quickly apologized.

"Didn't I tell you to wait?" Sakura eyes widen as she heard Eriol's eerie voice in front of her. Sakura should have known better that she can never outrun a demon.

"Did you have to suddenly appear like that?" said Sakura as she slowly stood up from the ground. Eriol was wearing his school uniform as Sakura's pink handkerchief wrapped around his left hand. Thankfully, the bleeding stopped, but the pain was still present.

"I didn't suddenly appear, you just didn't see me ahead of you," said Eriol, mockingly.

"Right..." mumbled out Sakura as she rolled her eyes. Sakura continued to ride her roller blade down the street slowly, matching with Eriol's walking pace.

"This is awkward... Now I think about it, I never really been alone with Eriol before," thought Sakura.

"Wait," said Eriol as he suddenly stopped walking. Sakura used her brake and stood still for a moment.


"A cat?" thought Sakura, curiously.

"Meow. Meow."

"Wait, there's many of them... kittens?!" thought Sakura, surprised. Eriol bend down onto his knee as few kittens approached him. Eriol slowly reached out his right hand and petted the black kittens.

"Where is your mommy?" said Eriol as he continued to pet the kittens. Sakura froze for one moment as she didn't recognize Eriol sweet tone of voice. Why does he sound so... nice? All Sakura could imagine with Eriol was hostile and eerie tone of voice. She wouldn't have imagined that he had another character inside him.

"They got separated from their mom," Eriol started to say.

"How do you know that?" wondered Sakura. Eriol glanced up at Sakura, dumbfounded. Did he already forget that he was a cat demon?

"Let's bring them to their mother before we go to school," said Eriol.

"Lets?" questioned Sakura, wondering if that means she was included.

"Here," said Eriol as he handed Sakura one black kitty. Sakura stood still as she felt something fluffy in her hands.

"Meow~" The kitty cried out as she cuddled against Sakura's hand. Eriol held up two kittens in his arms and began walking.

"Wait!" said Sakura. Eriol glanced back at Sakura, who stood frozen in one place.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're allergic to cats?" said Eriol.

"It's not that.... I don't know where we are going..." said Sakura as she slowly took out her long white stick from her bag and held it out. Eriol stared at the stick, cluelessly.

"If you hold onto the other end of the stick, I can be dragged along," explained Sakura. What a hassle. Should he just leave her? No, he needs to find out what she knows.

"Fine," said Eriol as he grabbed the stick on his left injured hand. Eriol began walking down the street as he held the two kitties on his right hand and the stick on his right hand. Eriol squinted his eyes as he can feel the pain from his injured left hand. Eriol then glanced at the kittens and smiled. Sakura sighed out as she rolled behind Eriol.

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