Fighting For Dominance

17 3 79

A/N: idk why I'm like this💀 there's alot wrong with me, so don't question this my coffin cakes!

As for my friend: I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY🤣

"Okay! I'm almost there....there you go...that's it..."

Tj's right leg starts to bounce anxiously from under the table. All I could hear was the sharp taps of the keyboard as they quickly tapped away at it. I couldn't see their face, but I have a pretty good idea as to how they looked:

Long hair pulled back into a messy bun as too keep it out of their face as they watched the screen so intently. No doubt trying to focus. They've always had trouble focusing on things for long. They're probably hunched over their chair, something I have scolded them about more times than I could count, but never listens.

I bet they're tired. But, like usual, they're too stubborn to sleep until all their work is done.

I softly scoff at that, being sure not to alert my partner. Always overworking themself. It they weren't working, they were writing. If not writing, then gaming. After gaming, editing.

And if they weren't doing any of that? Well, they'd sleep.

Or rather, as I'd like to call them, "long blinks."

They never get a full good night's sleep. Very rarely would it happen that Tj would get so tired that they'd willingly go to bed...however, the most they've ever gotten was 4-5. No more, than that.

And worse of all: with lack of sleep, there's lack of priorities.

Basic human needs really.

'Typical Tj...' I think, shaking my head. 'Never listening to me...though, you're DEFINITELY getting some sleep tonight...'

How am I going to accomplish that? Well...

"No....NO...NOOO- yeah, im dead."

Tj's voice breaks through my thoughts and I zone back in just in time to watch as they cross one leg over the other. I was seated directly below the table, just out of their view. From my standpoint, I could only see from their stomach down.

"Damn, that sucks. I really wanted to get something great for you guys today." They continued nonchalantly. I cover my mouth, trying not to giggle. They sound like they don't care sometimes and it's hilarious.

"It's been three hours too..."

'Really dude? And you got nothing? I find that hard to believe.'

"Anyways..." They shift in their seat, letting their back hit the chair. Though, I still can't see their face.

"I'm calling it here guys." They pause- probably reading the live comments- then lets out a short laugh. "Dont worry guys. I stream two days a week, you'll see me soon..."

'Tj is an introvert through and through lol' I let out a breathy laugh. 'They're so awkward in front of the camera, it's so cute...'

"Oh, before I forget: I have some important news to share..." Tj shifts again, this time uncrossing their legs. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder to the bulge between their legs.

'I know what would be even cuter though~' I think, gulping. 'Seeing them all hot and bothered unexpectedly.'

I felt my pussy throb at the thought of Tj blushing at what I was about to do. They NEVER have reactions and if they do, I never catch it in time.

But not this time...

Getting on my hands and knees, I shuffle towards Tj until I'm directly in front of their knees. Not so close that they can see me, but close enough to touch. The jeans they were wearing were ripped jeans, but only in the knee pad areas. So only their knees were exposed to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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