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July 6th, 1976

Mallory still didn't understand. She had been practicing her spells for years with her mother's wand, she had put on shows of fireworks for her muggle father, and conjured toys for her younger cousins. Mallory Walsh had been encouraged to learn magic her whole life, and she had accepted it eagerly, but now her parents wanted to take away her whole education. You see, Mallory had been born and raised in Ireland, and you could imagine that it was quite a shock to hear that she would be moving all the way to a tourist packed storybook town that looked like it came straight from a fairytale- in the Netherlands. And she was definitely not excited to move to a country that is almost a third under sea level, thank you very much.

'WHERE IS MY WAND MALLORY!?' Her mom, Kellie, screamed from across the house. The family had to be at the airport on an hour, and Mallory had been hiding important belongings so that they would be late. 'i wouldn't know, mother dearest,' she said sarcastically, 'fine, it's in your sock drawer, mum' she answered quickly, after hearing her mother spew out a string of probably not so nice words in Dutch. 'you know, mum, you really don't need to learn Dutch, did you know that around 93% of the population of the Netherlands speak English?' She asked her mother. Kellie ignored her and ran out to the car, where her dad was always waiting for them to get in so that he could drive them to the airport.

that was 3 months ago. She had been here in the living hell that was Giethoorn, her own town that she couldn't even pronounce. But she had gotten her hogwarts letter anyways, as always, and had breathed a sigh of relief that she got to learn in Scotland for a year. She would even be staying with the Weasley's for Christmas and spring breaks. Her frizzy honey blonde hair bounced as she ran outside, ready to go back to her home.

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