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" Still upset for tricking that tall mute guy ?"
Sorn asked looking at her friend who was munching his cookies roaming his eyes around the whole cafeteria.

" Sorn I don't understand. The guy seemed to know the campus quite well yet I didn't see him at all. Seems like either he disappeared or he just came for that day ."
Ten pouted.

" Come on ... Don't be sulky . I think he came here to meet someone and you just bumped into him"
Minnie tried to comfort him.

" Or he just had a crush at first sight without even hearing his voice ... Come on broski "
Bambam the tease pulled his legs but Ten remained silent.
His big ass name was hard to call and not to mention people calling him stupid things so he was known as Ten around.

" I just wanted to apologize and know his name that's it. Nothing.."

" Hiiiiii gays and hoes, sis and bros "
Before Ten could continue , their social butterfly Lisa yelled at them making some other groups stare at her too.

" Lis ... Calm down please"

" Oh come on .. how can I ? I was called at the principals office . And guess what ? He gave me a task to assist a student that too with charge. University will pay me and I can buy pretty stuff ."
Lisa treated herself with a piece of sweet pork one of her friend was eating.

" Assist to do what ?"

" A bunch of American Asian students have joined the course. One of them is deaf and mute but hella genius. As I have learned sign language , I'll help him to tour around the university. "
Replied Lisa.

Tens ears perked at her statement.
Mute and Deaf.

" Wouldn't it be difficult for him to survive the competition ? Not to mention how each nationality batches are always at others throats?"
Bambam was concerned.

" No I think . As long as he can manage. Our university doesn't allow bullying or shaming. So I think he can handle . Also if he is good with Lisa then we can be friends with him too "
Sorn suggested.

" Which course by the way ?"
Asked their youngest Minnie.

" Same with me and Ten. Criminal psychology"

All along Ten was quite. He was wondering if the guy was that tall stranger from the other night. How he was cursing himself for not completing sign language when they were at it.

" Tomorrow they'll be joining us officially and I have to take care of him as long as he needs. So please don't get jealous or something when I'll not be able to spend much time with you guys ."
Lisa explained.

" Us... We won't. But not sure about that Chinese hottie over there "
Subtly pointing at the side where the Chinese students always hangouts , Sorn and Bambam hinted at a certain someone ... Cai Xukun..

" Sh... Shut up"
Blushed the girl.

Among all the teasing, Ten hardly participated cause his gut feelings were telling him that it was his handsome stranger.

Wait ... HIS ?

" Dear students, we have a new American Korean student in our class today. He is a genius but he is unable to speak and listen. Though he uses hearing aid to atleast understand things but that's isn't really much of a help. I'm asking you all to be sympathetic and good to him. Because any kind of misbehavior won't be tolerated . "
The students nodded and whispered something.

Then the student arrived making all the whispers stop though he wasn't able to hear anything anyway.

Oh my my
Poor him can't hear anything we are saying

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