"So that's the house of fortune telling..?"

A few conversations could be heard.

"Well, how was it Kiyomi?"
"Okay, get this! They said that I'm fated to be with Kento Yamazaki!"

Saiki deadpanned. As long as they enjoy it, I guess that's all that matters. [Y/n] squinted their eyes before tapping Saiki's shoulder and pointing to the line,

"Hey, is that..."

Saiki looked in the direction the teen was pointing at,

"Kaido? What's he doing here?"

The blue haired male was too busy thinking to himself to notice his two classmates staring at him.

'I-I don't care about fortune telling! If this person is the real deal, it's possible that Dark Reunion would target them. I gotta scope out the situation and-'

Saiki mentally sighed. I don't care about the excuses, but the fortune telling seems suspicious. A teen girl came out the building cheering about how she was destined with Yamazaki.

Saiki looked at the girl. I guess Yamazaki has two girlfriends now. Well, I'm already here so why not investigate.

Saiki was about to turn invisible when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay, Saiki? You've been staring at the building for a while now..."

Saiki looked at the [h/c] haired teen beside him. Crap, I forgot [Y/n] was here. The pink haired male nodded,

"Yeah, sorry. You can go home without me. This place seems suspicious so I'm going to check it out."

[Y/n] slowly nodded while eyeing the male suspiciously,

"Okay, if you say so..."

The [h/c] haired teen continued walking back home. Saiki waited for [Y/n] to be out of sight before turning invisible and following Kaido.

[Y/n] was walking home when they stopped and turned around. It feels kinda weird walking home without Saiki...maybe I should wait for him?

After a few moments of pondering, [Y/n] decided to walk back to the street across the fortune telling place.

The [h/c] haired teen looked around but couldn't find their pink haired friend anywhere. [Y/n] sighed before sitting on a nearby bench and pulling out a book.

I guess this'll kill some time. After a few minutes, [Y/n] could see Kaido out the corner of their eye walking with a smile on his face while holding up a necklace.

Maybe I could chat with Kaido for a bit. [Y/n] closed their book and put it back in their bag before swinging the bag over their shoulder and making their way over to the blue haired male.

[Y/n] appeared behind Kaido and looked over his shoulder.

"Whatcha got there?"

Kaido jumped before turning around and looking at the teen,

"Oh [Y-[Y/n], hey! It's just a necklace, nothing-"

Before the blue haired male could finish his sentence, someone shouted his name. The two teens turned around to see a weird lady sprinting towards them.

"Here, take all your money back, I don't want it! Everything you said to me was real!"

The lady placed some cash in Kaido's hand before turning around and sprinting away. Kaido looked confused,

"Wh-what about the necklace?"

The lady continued to run,

"Keep it, I bought it at a yard sale for 500 yen."

[Y/n] turns around and notices a familiar pink haired male walking away. [Y/n] tilts their head in confusion. When did he..?

Nendou suddenly popped up in front of Saiki,

"Wha- oh hey, buddy, pal, and runt!"

Pal? Saiki turns around and notices [Y/n] waving at the two of them while walking over. Saiki's eyes widen as he stares at them.

I thought [Y/n] went home? How did I not notice their presence? Not only that, another plan was ruined by Nendou.

[Y/n] started chatting away with Nendou about random things. Saiki looked at [Y/n] suspiciously.

I gotta be careful around [Y/n].

Saiki𝚡Non-Binary! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now