Gojo Satoru - Jealousy part 1

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Please note that Itadori and Y/N are much older in this story.

On a hot summer day you sit down on the stairs outside the gym building. You're taking a short break from your training and the red school sportswear, you're wearing is sticking to your skin.

The wind breeze feels good on your skin and you slowly start thrifting into your thoughts.

This all happened weeks ago. You finally got the courage and confess your love to Gojo, your childhood crush. You expected him to turn you down, but he casually said "Sure, I will go out with you." You were overwhelmed with happiness, but still had some doubts. And thats because you know that until now Gojo has been turning all the confessions, he's been receiving, down. He's also been ignoring some of the moves, that women made on him.

The first time you've met Gojo was when you moved next to his house and your family went over to say their greetings to them. A boy with white hair and blue eyes as bright as the clear sky opened the door and the first thing that came into your mind was "Woah he looks like a prince! He is so handsome!"

Then he opened his mouth "Ehh new neighbours ? I hope you won't move away soon like the one's before you" he leaned in a little closer and said in a low voice "I hope you're not scared of ghosts hehe. They like to play pranks, especially on little girls like you. Don't come crying to me, if they do. I don't like weak, crying girls." he smirked.

Your first impression of him crumbled and got replaced by the word frivolous. "As if I would cry! I'm not afraid of ghosts! They will be scared of me!" you said challengly and glared at him. Something in Gojo's eyes sparkled as he answered "Heh.. then I'm looking forward to it." Your parents looked dumbfounded between the two of you and didn't know how to react. At that moment Gojo's mom came outside and hit Gojo on the back of his head. "Don't scare the new neighbours! I'm sorry, this boy is saying weird stuff sometimes." Gojo sulked and said "I just said the truth." And this was your first eventful meeting with Gojo.

Your feelings towards Gojo, that you've developed after some time, have always been one-sided. Not only because you're younger than him, but also because he sees you only as a childhood friend. But never in your life you would have expected him to accept your confession.

"Is he messing with me ? Is he using me as a shield to keep women away? Or is he really serious about me?" All your thoughts get interrupted by Itadori who calls for you.

"Oi Y/N! Helloo Y/N on earth? " You suddenly came back from your thoughts. "What is it Itadori?" you say. "Break time is over. I called you many times but you didn't hear me. Then he gives you a strange look. "Is everything okay? You were making a troubled face when you were lost in your thoughts." he says. "Yeah, I'm good!" you smile so Itadori wouldn't worry about you and go back to training.


You couldn't focus on your training at all. Your thoughts are surrounded by Gojo. "Haa.. this is making me go crazy.." Tired from your training and your concerning thoughts about Gojo, you go to the changing room.

After you were done with changing, you notice Itadori, who is waiting at the exit for you. "Itadori ? I thought you went home already." He smiles at you and says "I knew something was bothering you, so I couldn't leave you alone."

You've been best friends with Itadori since the "Jennifer Lawrence incident". One day on your way home you saw a banner of Jennifer Lawrence. Absentmindedly you said "Woah she's my female crush." At the same time Itadori was standing next to you and said "She's my ideal type." You both looked at each other and blinked in confusion. After that you both discovered that you share the same hobbies and get along well.

"Itadori.. I can never hide something from you!" You laugh. Then Itadori grabs your hand and says "Come, I will buy you a chocolate drink, so let's talk about it." When you guys sat down, you've told Itadori everything, that happened so far. Itadori says "Woah, I never knew that Gojo-Sensei is your childhood friend and that he even accepted a love confession from someone." You are nodding with him and say "I know right ?! He has a frivolous personality and sometimes I really don't know when he's serious or not. But because of his personality I got rescued so many times by him." You smile just thinking about him again.

Itadori's eyes widens, because he has never seen you smile like this. He got interested to know your story. "What do you mean by he rescued you?" he asks.

"Well, I've always been able to see those cursed spirits, since I was a little kid. In elementary school I saw one for the first time. It was on the shoulder of a classmate. At that time I didn't know how to get rid of them. I warned her but she didn't believe me. She even started to spread rumors about me, telling everyone, I was a freak. Since then I got bullied. I never told anyone about it, not even my parents, because I didn't want to worry them. One day on my way home Gojo saw me and asked me if something was wrong, but I said no. He still noticed that something was wrong, but he didn't ask any further. He could read me like a book and eventually found out, so he always tried to cheer me up with his carefree attitude. Since then whenever he saw that the girls were bullying me, he started to do even more freakier things to freak them out. They called us the "freak duo" and he just grinned while saying "I'd rather be a freak, than a boring kid like you!" That's how my love for him started to outgrow our friendship. He was always really popular, surrounded by people and whenever we were together some girls came and confessed to him. But they all got rejected and this fear of my feelings leaking out began to grow inside of me. I always knew that he only saw me as a childhood friend, because whenever I made a joke about me never getting a love confession like he does and that I'm envious of him he answered "Well you're a tomboy, that's why nobody confesses to you. I'm just the full package. Nobody can resist me."

We always quaralled for fun and I knew deep down that he would never see me like this. But when time passed by, it got hard to keep my feelings hidden. I loved him so much that it kind of became unbearable so I decided to confess. I was prepared for a rejection, destroying our current friendship and never talking to him again. But he just looked at me and said "Sure, I will go out with you."

You sigh and say "Haa.. now will someone understand this..?"

Itadori listened to your story carefully. Something come to his mind. "But doesn't that mean, that you're special to him?" You are shocked and say "No, no no. Haven't you listened to what I said ? He always saw me only as a childhood friend and is just messing with me." Itadori then says "But the fact, that he always kept you around him and a guy never confessed to you.. it seems like he is a really possessive guy." You are confused "What do you mean? Gojo and possessive? He is so carefree and frivolous, how can HE be possessive." Itadori shakes his head, seeing that you don't get it. "The fact that you don't even realize it, makes me kind of worried." He then pets your head. "I don't know what you're talking about but thanks for listening to my story, Itadori! You are the best buddy! Next time I will treat you to something!" you smile. "You bet!" Itadori grins.

In that moment Gojo came back from his mission. He is on his way to report to Yaga-san until he sees the two of you laughing and Itadori petting your head affectionately...

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