Chapter 2: Tag along

Start from the beginning

I scoffed at what he said, "Well can you get out?" 

"Why would I do that?" he took a step closer. 

"Because it's my room and I need to change" 

"Well go ahead and change, I promise I won't peek" he said as he covered his eyes with his hand and opened his fingers so he could see through one eye. 

I just stared at him, waiting for him to stop playing his little games. He took another step closer and was now in front of me. 

"Well princess if you can't dress yourself. Maybe I can help" he started to get close to my neck, so close I felt his breath. Them I started to feel kissing invading my neck. My heart started to beat a little faster. I tiled my head the opposite direction and then realized what was happening. 

I stepped back, "Show's over Ruthbee" 

"Ahha she's playing hard to get" he looked me up and down. 

"I'm not playing anything, get out we're going to be late" I grabbed my phone to check the time. 

"8:30, shit!" I shoved him out my room and quickly dressed myself. I grabbed everything I needed for the day. I ran downstairs and quickly grabbed a muffin. 

"Let's go!" 

"I haven't even ate yet" he huffed. 

"I'll give you half my muffin, maybe next time you'll stay out my room and get ready for school" It came out bitchy. 

"feisty, I like it" he grabbed his backpack and we both headed out the door. 

"Get in" 

"No way, I'm driving" he argued. There was no time to argue, especially because we were running late. 

"No, it's my car. We're running late and I have a French test so get in the car now" I said frustrated. I was now sounding like a baby but I'm never late, I have perfect attendance and no late warnings. 

"Whatever you say princess" 

I did not have time to remind him to not call me princess so before he could even close the door I started driving. 

"Seat belt" 

"Aww thanks for the heads up" he rolled his eyes. We were half way there when he broke the silence, 

"Je ne savais pas que tu avais suivi un cours de francais"(I didn't know you took a french class) he stated. 

"Oui, la famille de mon père est d'origine francais mais encore une fois tu ne me connais pas"(yes, my dad's side of the family has a french background but yet again you don't know me) I gave him a weak smile. I had no clue he spoke french. 

"Are you going to ask me how I know French?" he asked while looking at me. I was trying so hard not to look at him and give him the idea that I like him because I don't. 

"No because either you have a french background or you learned it at school" I said as I kept my eyes on the road. 

"Wrong and wrong again. I learned in Juvie...a friend taught me" he looked out the window and in the corner of my eye I could see him staring at me again. I nodded my head as if I understood. 

"You wan't to know don't you? Go ahead..ask away", I quickly glanced at him because he sounded disappointed. I did want to know, should I ask him?. I shook my head no, "It's not my business...we're here"

I hopped out the car waiting for him to get out, he was reaching for his back pack in the back seat. His shirt lifted up as he bent backwards and I saw his abs once more. I took a deep breath trying to control myself.  

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