Part 2

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I get up and walk away giving James and Avani and exited look. Vinne takes me into one of the empty rooms and I sit on the bed "look y/n ever since u got here I've like u and ur personality" he says looking straight into my soul, I'm speechless I look at him trying to say something but as I'm about to open my mouth her kisses me. I get deep butterflies, I feel his hands go around my waist. I'm about to hold his face when Micheal comes in .me and vinne pull away from eachother and I quickly get up and look at Micheal. He is looks at me and walks out slamming the door. I start to breath heavily as I'm scared of what's about to happen. Vinne comes closer to me and puts his warm hands on my shoulders "look I will talk to Micheal don't worry, okay?" I nod looking at vinne; i walk out of the room and I see everybody look at me. I loom around and go to James "why is everybody looking at me?" I say in a Panic. " u just kissed vinne HACKER and ur BROTHER just walked in" James reminds me. I sigh and walk outside , i see vinne standing there with his hand on his forehead and then looks at me." V-vinne is everything ok" I say as he walks up to me " no but u can come and ride back with me"he says as I feel a shiver go down my spine. I get in his car and he drives quickly back. The whole car ride was silent idk why we were fine. Right?
At the house
I walk up stairs and see that Micheal is in his room cuz it's locked I walk to my room and go have a shower " what was I thinking no actually I should of kissed vinne it's my feelings" I
Say to myself looking into the mirror. I get into bed but I can't even hear myself think cuz vinne is shouting while playing his game. I get up and go to his room I knock and he says come in. I go in and he looks shocked as why I'm there. He takes his head set off and walks up to me "are u okay? Do u need anything ?" "No I'm fine but can u try and be more quiet pls" he says sure and is about to walk of " vinne about that kiss what did that mean" he turns off his microphone and walks up to me "it was a kiss because I rlly like u and I wan-" I kiss him holding his face and I start to feel butterflies, he pulls me in grabbing my waist. I slowly start to feel dizzy "what the hell no not right now"I say in my thoughts. But my body  collapsed into his arms

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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