Marty:Yeah sure okay.

Emmett:Marty you interacted with anybody else today besides me?.

Marty:Um yeah well I might have sort of ran into my parents.

Emmett:Great Scott.Let me see that photograph again of your brother.Just as I thought this proves my theory look at your brother.

Marty:His head's gone it's like it's been erased.

Emmett:Erased from existence...Briella you didn't interact with anyone you know did you?.

Bri:Just you.

-The Next Day-

Marty:Whoa they really cleaned this place up looks brand new

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Marty:Whoa they really cleaned this place up looks brand new.

Emmett:Now remember according to my theory you interfered with with your parent's first meeting.They don't meet,they don't fall in love,they won't get married and they wont have kids.That's why your older brother's disappeared from that photograph.Your sister will follow and unless you repair the damages you will be next.

Marty:This sounds pretty heavy.

Emmett:Weight has nothing to do with it.

   Soon we are inside the school and the bell rings.

Emmett:Which one's your pop?.

   We see George getting kicked by kids walming down the hall.

Marty:That's him.

George:Okay,okay you guys oh hahaha very funny.Hey you guys are being real mature.

   George turns around and we see a kick me sign on his back.

Bri:"Jokingly".Maybe you were adopted.

George:Okay real mature guys."Drops books".Okay Biff will you pick up my books?.

Strickland:McFly."Grabs George".

Marty:That's Strickland.Jesus didn't that guy ever have hair?.

Strickland:"Takes sign off Georges back".Shape up man.You're a slacker. You wanna be a slacker for the rest of your life?.


Emmett:What did your mother ever see in that kid?.

Marty:I don't know Doc I guess she felt sorry for him cause her dad hit him with the car.Hit me with the car.

Bri:That's a Florence Nightingale effect.It happens in hospitals when nurses fall in love with their patients.

Emmett:Go to it kid.

   Marty walks over to George abd helps him pick up his books.

Marty:Hey George buddy hey I've been looking all over for you.You remember me the guy who saved your life the other day.


Marty:Good there's somebody I'd like you to meet.

   We follow behind them but far enough away to watch without being seen.


Loraine:"Turns around".Calvin.

Marty:I'd like you to meet my good friend George McFly.

George:Hi it's really a pleasure to meet you.

Loraine:How's your head?."Reaches for his head".

Marty:Well uh good,fine.

   George walks away from them as the bell rings.

Loraine:Oh I've been so worried about you ever since you ran off the other night.Are you okay?.I'm sorry I have to go."To friends".Isn't he a dream boat?.

   After the students fo to their classes Me and Emmett go over to Marty.

Marty:Doc she didn't even look at him.

Emmett:This is more serious than I thought. Apparently your mother is amorously infatuated with you instead of your father.

Marty:Whoa wait a minute Doc are you telling me that my mother has got the hots for me?.


Marty:Whoa this is heavy.

Emmett:There's that word again heavy.Why are things so heavy in the future.Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?.


Emmett:The only way we're gonna get those two to successfully meet is if they're alone together.So you've got to get your father and mother to interact at some sort of social-

Marty:What well you mean like a date?.


Marty:What kind of date?.I don't know what do kids do in the fifties?.

Emmett:Well they're your parents you must know them.What are there common interests.What do they like to do together?.


Emmett:"Points to sign".Look there's a rhythmic ceremonial ritual coming up.

Marty:Of course the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance they're supposed to go to this that's where they kiss for the first time.

Bri:Alright kid you stick to your father like glue and make sure that he takes her to the dance.

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