Haitus. / Trip Update.

Start from the beginning

After a while we decided to find a place inside the boat (Seating area) and I fell asleep there. When we got off, we made another food stop. Then we made our way to the hotel, it was a long drive. We checked in and got cleaned up in the hotel. And went out again. But me and my friend stayed in the car in this area since it was late and we just listened to music and talked while looking after the youngest.

We finished the day with rest, dinner, rest, and then sleep. Once we got up I was informed that my friend had already gone down for breakfast. So, I got ready and went down and got food. And one of the youngest joined us. Than my mother took her food and went back up to our room.

Mini time skip and we basically slept through the first sight of our trip the next day. I only woke up for the bathroom and we left for our last sight.

My dad got a ticket at the last sight for parking in a residential area and my dad could have easily sued him since the fine was way higher than it should have been (So, a scam) and we didn't notice the sign. But since he left far away he wouldn't have come to court so, he let it go but he was a bit mad that the price was so unreasonable. Note it used to be $25 and now it's $100 and my dad never got a ticket before so, it did make him feel like he had gotten one. But he was very calm.

After this park we all parted our ways and made our way back home. When we got home, we cleaned up and ate. Then my family got ready to sleep. And then I went to bed and fell asleep.

Thanks for reading thus far! <3

Note: I used terms as the youngest for reasons I shall not disclose

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Note: I used terms as the youngest for reasons I shall not disclose. 

This was finished undergoing editing on: September, 8th, 2021, Wednesday, 1:58


P.S. I'd like to thank those who bothered to subscribe for 1k subscribers. 

It took months but I'm truly grateful. for the support I had received through this time.

 for the support I had received through this time

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Thank you all. The 1k special is out so, check it out! 


Bye! <3

Bye! <3

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