"Kind of, but isn't that the point? That's what it is."

"Yeah, I suppose." I turn around, looking at it again. Why am I so blank with ideas all of the sudden. Nothing is coming to mind. Usually when I am writing, my brain plays like a movie tape. The pictures keep coming and coming to me until there are no more pictures to write about. That's when it ends. But right now, it feels like I just bought a used DVD full of scratches and it's stuck. Right now, the only thing I could possibly hate him for was not listening to his heart but his mind. "But what things could I hate about him? I can't just say, I hate you for breaking my heart and my spirit, fuck you!"

"Well, I mean it gets right to the point... doesn't it?" He looks up at my ceiling, probably daydreaming like he always does. But lately these days, I've been daydreaming just like him. Scott always has high hopes and big dreams. So do I, but unlike Scott I don't like to act on them. I am anxious and always think of the worst case scenario possible. The dreams on my head don't have the worst case scenario but in reality it does. I don't think I want to face that music. I'd rather just let things be how they are supposed to be. "I would pay to read it."

"You'd pay to read anything I'll write." I joked, taping on my desk to figure out what I could possibly come to mind. Should I write about his eyes? What the hell Reece? You are not nine years old! Maybe we can write about how he tells the worst jokes. REECE! What are you thinking? That sounds like a horrible idea. Maybe, I should just ask Scott for ideas. But I am second guessing myself, you are an inspiring author who comes up with ideas all the time. Think Reece, think!

I'm thinking but I am having no luck as I try to figure out what I could possibly talk about. I don't want to jump right into the stuff that stings the most. I want to slowly move my way to the harsh stuff. I want to climb my way into the climax, I got to be a professional. "So what happened between you and Zac?" I ask him, trying to change the thought I have in my head.

He sighed with annoyance. "Broke up," He mumbled. "He pulled the 'it's not you, it's me' card and I was like, okay.. you are wasting my time. I am so mad! That was almost two years of my life... wasted! Down the toilet! At least he could've done it sooner or could have been more straightforward about it. He moved out of the condo about a few days ago, almost threw it on the street because I wanted him out pronto."

"You know, I wasn't really a huge fan of him anyways." I tell him, as I try to indulge into the conversation. But in reality, my mind was somewhere else. As he rants about his ex-boyfriend, I unlock my phone and look through my missed messages. All of them were from Chris. I hovered my thumb over his name and clicked on it.

I should have told you beforehand, I'm sorry.

Are you ignoring me? Please, can we just talk? I don't want you upset with me.

I'm fine with everyone being mad at me at the moment, but not you. You're the only person I don't want mad at me ever.

I just really like her. I see something with her. I love her, I do.

Okay, you always respond to me and you always go to bed late so I know you're not sleeping right now.

Okay, you totally hate me right now. I am sorry.

Reece. It's been like a whole hour, can we just talk about it? I didn't think you would be so upset by this. I know I should have talked to you and got your input because you are my best friend and because of that I am sorry. I'm getting pretty tired though because it's almost five in the morning and I have to be up in like the next three hours. But just text me back, please.

I sighed to myself as I read the multiple text messages from him. I know it's fair to him for a text back but I don't want myself to blow a gasket on him. When I get very angry in front of someone, it is scary. The only time I have ever gotten mad at when he told my childhood crush, Spencer, that I liked him. Poor boy actually cried and thought I would never speak to him again. There's a reason why Chris and I were best friends. We were both way too sensitive and good hearted.

THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU ➪ 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒 𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐒Where stories live. Discover now