Not expected-part two

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I stand on the edge of the cliff and soak in the sun. The breeze whipped through my hair as i close my eyes and enjoy the silence. I hear a twig snap so I open up one eye, turn my head a little and tilt my ears back to get a better listening angle. I try to smell the air but the wind is coming towards me so that was disadvantage for me. I hear more twigs snap, leaves shuffle and the mossy ground being pushed down. I get up on all fours put my guard up and turn towards the woods where I see two eyes looking at me. I let my guard down and turn back to the edge.

I hear him trot up to my side then sit next to me. I take a sideways glance at him waiting for his explanation for why he's here. "We have her at the house Kale. There was complications getting her and bringing her in the house, but can you tell me why we have brought a human all this will do is bring us more trouble for her kind looking for her." I bear my teeth and look his way. "Don't question my authority Jace she's not who you think she is you will find out soon for now, i want you to keep a sharp eye on her. Am I clear." He was now half on the ground with his ears pinned back and me standing over him.

I back away and look away from him. " I'm sorry Jace I don't know what came over me i just... ugh just go back to the house and keep an eye on her will ya?" He didn't say a word, got up and left. Letting out a breath I got up my self and went the same way he went to finally meet the one I've been waiting for.



I could feel that we were on a gravel road by the way the van was bouncing. "I hope this is the right girl or elc Kale will have our throats. She's also stronger plus feistier than I thought shed be she's also pretty and smells weird for a human." "Tyson seriously will you shut up you've been talking for the past five hours." How long have i been asleep, and i don't smell I took a shower this morning plus why are they using human that's so weird or is it just me? I wanted to do something but I felt the van come to a complete stop. "Finally were here I can't take any more of this." I herd the opening of the van doors and someone take me by my wrist and another by my feet.

This is my chance i just have to think of something. I got it. We wer'nt that far they've taken probably seven steps from the van. I opened my eyes and at the same time as hard as I could muster I pulled my hands and feet together causing two heads to collide together. "Oww what the. oh no. Really. Again." I go up as fast as i can dodging there hands not looking forward but right when i turned my head I collided into something really hard. I fell back and looked up but that was a bad move. When i said i sworn I've seen though eyes before i meant it. The one that i was looking at it wasn't real. It was Nathan my best friend and right now things weren't making since. He had a surprised yet sad face. he got closer to me but I just backed away from him.

"No don't touch me, st-stay away from me." He opened his mouth and his face saddened even more. "Please Nea I wont hurt you I promise I'll explain everything to you, but you just have to trust and listen to me." My eyes started to glisten over but I was not going to show him any emotion. He took another step but I just stood up and backed away. "NO, I said stay away Nathan. Don't talk to me. Don't touch me. Ana don't come near me just stay away. I trusted you...I." I single tear fell as I flinched away from his hand that tried to comfort me. His face held a emotion of hurt then looked away.

I looked away and saw the other three just looking at us there was a big mansion behind them. I looked Nathans way and saw trees tones and tones of trees surrounding this place. I know I really didn't have a chance but I looked behind me and saw they were engrossed in a low conversation and weren't looking my way. I backed away like I was going inside but quickly rushed past Nathan. I was so close to the tree line when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist lifting me up in the air and over someones shoulder. I tried kicking, screaming and punching there back but nothing was seaming to phase him so I just gave up and limped my body.

I look up and see Nathan where I lift him. Why is he here? Why is he with them? He'd never do this its not like him I've known him my whole life. Well at least I thought I did but now I'm not sure if I know him at all. The one that was carrying me immediately stopped and turned to someone. "Go tell the boss were here and we have what he wants." The other person didn't speak back but left towards the woods and disappeared. The one carrying me started walking again and then went up a couple of stairs and weaved around the doors and hallways but I wasn't paying much attention.

The next thing I know I was being set onto a bed. Right when i made contact with the soft surface I scooted back to where my back was against the headboard. "Stay here still um....further notice." He rubbed the back of his neck but i didn't do anything. I just stared ahead and stayed still. He let out a sigh and headed for the door closing it behind him. About two good minutes that he saw gone I drew my knees up to my chest, put my arms around then then buried my head. I stayed silent for a while rocking myself back an forth trying to stay calm. But I lost it and let everything I was trying to hold in.

My eye's were stinging, my thorough was sore and my body ached. I just wanted to be home again. It has been a while since I have been in here but I did not care the more time in here the more time away fro them. I was worn out and my eyes were getting droopy along with my head getting heavy and swaying back an forth. I finally stretched out my aching mussels and lay my head on a pillow nearest to my head. There was an extra blanket at the foot of the bed so I grabbed that and covered me with it. I was slowly closing my eyes and trying to think of happy thoughts for a better dream.

I was asleep and slowly the world just drifted into nothing. But right before I completely fell into the dark silence I could hear the sound of a door creaking open but I was too tired to even care. I saw tow dark outline of body's coming near me but I was caught in sleep and went into a place to dream.

AUTHORS NOTE'~~~~~ Sorry if this not a good book but comment if you want just please nothing that you wouldn't like to hear. THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!! I SHALL TRY TO UPDATE EVERY SO OFTEN OR SO BUT IF I DON'T PLEASE DON'T BE A HATER I AM GOING INTO A TESTING STAGE SO YA..AND AGAIN THANK YOU!!

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