The Yaoyorozu Household

Start from the beginning

When the day finally arrived, I met up with Nagisa at his house. He was wearing a plain white shirt with grey pants. When I first saw him, I almost didn’t recognize him.

“Wow, you cut your hair!” I said surprised to see his new look. “Did you just cut the bun-ponytail-things?”

“Yeah, but the hair was still a little uneven, so I had to do a bit more cutting.” He spoke.

“That’s so cool! Let’s go, Mr. Nagisa.” Nagisa gave a smile and we began walking to Momo’s house. The whole walk, we were catching up on what happened sense we last saw each other. “I’m so glad that last year happened. Best year of my life!”

“I know what you mean. Koro Sensei made us who we are today. Everything feels different though. Everyone split up, I cut my hair, you’ve completely changed… oh sorry! I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Like what?” What are you talking about?

“Like how that girl burned your face with acid. I’m not saying you look bad, I just saying you look different.” Nagisa was panicked because she didn’t want to sound rude.

“Nah, it’s fine. That’s all in the past. But yeah, everything does feel different. It’s like another world in a video game; it’s all the same, but with a different feel.”

“How far have you gotten in Koro Sensei’s yearbook?”

“I finished it!”

“Seriously!?” Wow, I can’t believe she believed me.

“No, I was joking. You know me, I don’t have total control of my life. Even if I wanted to finish it, I wouldn’t be able to.” Managing all my personalities is hard. I have to make sure they don’t do anything bad and give them time to do what they want as well. We continued walking until we reached Momo’s front gate.

Everyone was waiting for us. We were apparently the last ones to arrive. I was nervous to enter. I’m related to the Yaoyorozu family, and I just so happened to kill Arata and his family. Arata is the brother if Asuka, who just so happened to be Momo’s mother.

“I knew Yaoyorozu was rich but, this takes it to a whole other level.” Said Jiro as she stared at the front gate in awe.

“Hey look, Salazo’s here.” spoke Ojiro pointing in our direction. All eyes turned to us. This is the moment I have been waiting for.

“Hello everyone, this is my friend.” I moved my arms as if I were presenting an award.

“Hi, my name is Nagisa Shiota, but Nagisa is fine.”

“Nagisa, this is Mashirao Ojiro, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, and Mina Ashido.” I pointed to them as I said their name. “And inside is Momo Yaoyorozu.”

“Great! Now that everyone’s here…” Ashido pushed a button on the side of the gate. With no time to speak, Momo’s voice came from the small panel.

“I’ve been expecting you!” shouted an overly eager girl. The front gates began to open as we walked along the path to her house.

“Hey, what’s your number? Maybe afterwards we get grab a bite to eat.” Kaminari was walking beside Nagisa, in an attempt to as him out. I quickly pulled out my phone.

“Wait, hold on! Salazo!” Nagisa looked at me, he was panicked and probably hated me in this moment.

“You already told one guy, do it again.”

“WHAT!!” This reminds me of when he went on that “date” with that boy during the school festival last year. “Ok look, I’m not a girl. I’m a guy.” Nagisa was being straightforward with Kaminari. By the looks of it, everyone else was surprised too.

The Hero With Many Faces. (My Hero Academia) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now