"How was your training?" he asked. "It went well, thank you. She had me at the last minute though," Torunn replied. "But I'm getting better and better everyday. Hopefully I'll be able to protect New Asgard."

Volstagg smiled at the young Asgardian. He made sure that she was protected and raised well after Thor's disappearance. He was, after all, Thor's best friend. He made a promise to make sure that he took care of his friend's daughter. Now Torunn was on her way to ruling Asgard with an iron fist, but she needed to be ready for anything. That's why Valkyrie was appointed her mentor.

Torunn gave a goodbye nod as she headed off into the palace. She wandered down the hallways until she entered a room somewhere hidden down a long corridor. Once the door closed she sighed. Torunn placed her sword down on a lone altar in front of a large portrait of Thor and Jane Foster. She sighed and kneeled down.

"Hello, father. Hello, mother. I've come to visit again," she said, her head facing the floor. "Things have been going well here on Asgard. The people here are happy, training is going well. I think I am on my way to becoming a great leader for our people."

She looked up at the image of her parents. They were smiling broadly down at their daughter, even though they were just paintings. "I just want you to know that we miss you. Every day, we think about you and hope for your return one day. But it's difficult. Without you, it's hard to meet everyone's expectations. Valkyrie is a great teacher and she trains me well, but I don't know if I'm doing the right thing.

"You never said anything about leaving, and one day you just...disappeared. Maybe it had something to do with Mother leaving back to Earth, but you could have at least explained it to me and the Asgardians. Please, Father, please return home soon," she said as she gazed into the eyes of the painting of her father.

All of a sudden there was a loud commotion just outside of the room. Torunn jumped to her feet and placed a hand on her concealed sword as she opened the door. She saw many soldiers running towards the direction of the main hall.

Curious as to what was going, Torunn followed but was stopped by Valkyrie. "What's going on?" Torunn asked confused. Valkyrie shook her head. "You need to stay out of this, Torunn," she said. "This doesn't involve you." And with that, she headed off. Confused, Torunn stood there alone in the hallway. What was going on? And why was Valkyrie not telling her?

She was about to head back to the room when all of a sudden someone came up behind her and knocked her to the ground. Groaning, she turned around to see a figure standing above her. It was a man wearing black armor and holding a sword in one hand, the other at his side. He glared at Torunn with an evil sneer.

"Who...who are you?" Torunn stammered as she slowly stood up, the pain in her body intense. The man didn't say anything, just looked at her. Torunn put up a hand. "Look, I don't know who you are...but you're not supposed to be in here."

Again, the strange man said nothing. He raised his sword and look a swing at Torunn who swiftly blocked his attack with her own. The man's eyes were filled with anger, rage, and no mercy. Torunn couldn't understand who this man was and what he was doing here.

Torunn was pushed back by her opponent and her sword slid across the hallway as she landed onto her back. It was at this moment the man finally spoke.

"We have come to take back Asgard for the rightful heir to the throne," he said, his voice deep and muffled by his helmet. "Getting in our way will get you harmed. You best stay out of this!"

"Rightful heir? And who would that be?" Torunn asked, struggling to get up as the man's boot was on her chest, pinning her down.

"The rightful heir, Leanna, daughter of Loki, shall rule Asgard with a mighty fist. Everyone will bow down to her and the people of Asgard will be reformed!"

At those words, Torunn froze. So that's what this invasion was? To bring Loki's child into the throne? There was no way she was going to let that happen. Loki's daughter, Leanna, was a difficult person. She was filled with envy and remorse. There had to be a good reason for her to want to reign Asgard.

"I'm sorry, but Leanna has no right to the throne," she finally said, determination flowing through her. "The rightful heir to New Asgard is me, Torunn, daughter of Thor Odinson. I won't let Leanna take what's mine, what's rightfully Asgard's."

She held out her hand, her foe confused. Just then, Torunn's sword moved and flew towards her. Grasping onto it, Torunn sliced the enemy's leg, causing him to stumble and fall. She stood up and pointed her sword at him.

"What are you going to do, kill me?" he mocked. But Torunn merely shook her head. "That's not what a ruler does. You can tell your dear mistress that." And with that she walked off.

Torunn met up with Valkyrie who looked exhausted. She lit up to see that Torunn was alright. "We need to get you out of here," she said. "There's a reason why these people are here."

"I already know," replied Torunn. "It's Leanna, my cousin. She wants the throne to Asgard. Just like how her father once wanted to rule."

Valkyrie nodded. "In order to keep you safe, we are sending you to Earth. Leanna most likely won't think of going there."

Earth? Did she say Earth? Torunn hadn't been to Earth since she was a child. Did Vaklyrie really think this was a good idea? Earth was a great place, but it wasn't exactly the safest planet. It had its fair share of attacks, especially from alien life forces.

Valkyrie saw the hesitation in her young prodigy's eyes. She sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I can see your concern, Torunn. But please, this is the best option. We don't know what she's going to do, but it's for the best."

Torunn embraced her mentor in a hug and the two stood there for a moment before breaking. "I'll do this for Asgard, for you, for my father. For my people," the young Asgardian said. Valkyrie nodded and led her to the pod. Volstagg was there waiting. The two leaders placed Torunn into the pod before closing it. With a last goodbye wave, the pod was blast off into space, on track to Earth.

I will return home soon, Torunn thought to herself. I'll make sure Leanna doesn't do anything and if she does, I'll be the first one to stop her! And with that, the journey for the young Asgardian had begun.

Little did she know, the threat was much bigger than what she had anticipated it to be...

Chapter 2 is done! That took longer than I had hoped it would, but that just happens when you've been busy with school and winter break. Now that I'm on Spring Break for college, I have time to write. I'll be able to start Chapter 3 hopefully, but it won't be up for a while. Be prepared for some more waiting, but while you do, you can at least catch up with this chapter.

What did you guys think? I think Torunn's pretty badass if I do say so myself, but what do you think of her? And what is Leanna planning? Dun dun DUUUUUN! Okay I'm done XD. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for Chapter 3! Make sure to check out some of my other stories, such as The SCP Whisperer or my Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction. Love you guys and stay positive! <3

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