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"dad!"I yelled running to my dad as he came through the front door. "hey sweetheart."he smiled hugging me "I started to think you wouldn't come home."I smiled softly. "Oh, I won't be home long. I'm actually leaving again tomorrow."he explained hugging mom kissing her head walking into the kitchen he spinner around. "BUT"he yelled sticking his finger up causing me to jump. "You are coming with me."he pointed his finger towards me. "Me? Why me?"I asked pointing my own finger at my chest. "Yeah why can't I go?"Cooper asked coming over to us Lila right on his heels. "Because you two are to young."he messed up their hair. "Dadddd"they both whined "oh grow up."I mimicked pushing them aside by placing my palms on their forehead. "Dad she pushed us again."Lila pointed at me looking at Cooper pushing him onto the ground. "And she made Cooper fall."she pointed at our brother. "Lila, stop being a taddle tale be nice to your brother and go play."dad pushed them away. "Clint, didn't I tell you show them all love equally."mom smiled as she came over to us. "Yeah yeah, come on kid, let's go get your stuff packed"

"Why exactly am I coming with you to the avengers? Do they even know about me?"I asked my dad my arm hanging out of the window as we drove down a long dirt road surrounded by forest. "No they do not, but they will in about ten minutes. And because I've noticed your incredible archery skills. I'm gonna have Bruce test on you see if you got your old man's skills."he smiled glancing at me "I'm sorry can you repeat that? You just called yourself old I have to get that on camera."I asked pulling out my phone teasing him. "Oh you shut up."he playfully started to smack me tilting his head. We both got quiet when we pulled up to what I believe is the avengers base. He parked and we got out. He grabbed my few bags and we walked inside me behind him. "I said you could stay here for a bit but not live here."a man said as we walked into what seems to be a lounge. "Oh, these aren't mine. Mine are in the car."dad said stopping causing me to almost run into him. I stepped from behind him looking at everyone. "Hermione, who are these people?"I asked placing two of my fingers on the side of my glasses "seems to be Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Vision, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff."she told me "there superhero names?"I asked looking at all of them as they either talked to each other or stared at me in confusion, mostly stare at me in confusion. "Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Vision, Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver."she informed me. "What was that?"dad asked me "oh, that's Hermione, I programmed her into my sunglasses and some other stuff. I usually have an earpiece in with her. But that's charging in tech bag."I told him "who's Hermione?"dad asked "if I may, she's made a smart system like Jarvis."Tony said for me I nodded confirming this.

"So how long have you had a secret family?"Tony asked leaning back in his chair. "Oh probably ever since she was born."Nat said for dad. I smiled softly at her as she returned it. "how old are you kid?"Tony asked me "17"I answered "you have any more kids we don't know about?"Steve asked after taking a sip of his drink. "Yes actually, Lila and Cooper, and my wife is pregnant."dad told them "wow, never thought Barton would get a wife or a family. Especially looking like that."someone said I looked to the person. "Remind me who that's again Hermione."I whispered "Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver."she told me I nodded "yeah well he did, so how about you shut your mouth until you can actually speak when you have your own wife."I told him sitting up "ooh fiesty"Tony whispered causing me to shoot my hand back and shush him. Not like doing the hand motions I like actually made his mouth stop opening. "how do you know I don't have one?"Pietro smirked sitting up "have you looked in a mirror lately?"

"Hello, I'm Wanda, I'm sorry about my brother earlier. I will probably be apologizing a lot for him though. But I also wanted to welcome you to the avengers base."Wanda smiled at me as I opened my door. "oh, well thank you, and you don't have to worry about your brother. They were boys at my school like that but worse. I always had to deal with them."I smiled "well, incase 'Etro ever does anything, let me know, I'll deal with him."she smiled at me before walking away. As I was about to close my door Dad Bruce and Tony appeared. "Come on kid, were gonna go test you."dad said pulling me along. "Why?"I asked walking in between dad and Bruce Tony ahead of us. "Because yesterday, green magic, kind've like Wanda's, came from your fingers and glued Tony's mouth shut when you were talking to Pietro."Bruce explained "do you think I have powers?"I asked looking at the two. "It's a possibility."

"Ow."I simply said as Bruce took the needle out of my arm. "Seems like she has the same DNA as Wanda, not like related DNA, but like there's a certain shade of red that flows through Wanda's body, the color of her magic, and it seems here she has the same but it's green flowing through her body. And it's the same type as Wanda's."Bruce explained looking at the computer. "Seems like you have powers kid."dad patted my back I smiled softly at him. "And your incredible archery skills."I added

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