
141 2 0

Monday, September 10th, 1994



"Ella, is that your alarm?"

I opened my eyes and reached over to turn off my ringing alarm, then looked over at the door, where my brother, Joseph stood.

"Ready for your first day of school?"

I shook my head.

He laughed. "Well, Ready or not, you need to get dressed so you can go."

I sighed as he left my room, and reluctantly got out of bed.

Today was my first day of school since summer break, and I really wasn't looking forward to seeing all of those people again. Of course, this year was my last year of high school, so it would at least only be a year.

But I knew it would probably drag on as slowly as possible.

I went over to my dresser and opened it up, grabbed a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, undressed, then changed into them.

By the time I had finished doing my makeup and hair, I smelled something coming from the kitchen.

And no, it didn't smell good.

I ran out of my room and into the kitchen, seeing a pan on fire, and Joseph frantically splashing water on it.

I ran to the closet and pulled out a fire extinguisher, running back quickly. I pointed it at the fire, and sprayed it with the white foam.

After the fire went out, Joseph looked at me and sighed in relief.

"Woah!" He said. "Who knew making eggs was so hard."

I shook my head, catching my breath.

"Maybe I'll just leave the cooking to you from now on." He said, chuckling a little.

I smiled a bit at him, then lifted up my wrist to check the time.

I bit my lip. I should be at school already.

I went over and grabbed Joseph's car keys, and handed them to him.

"What? Is it time to go?" He asked, and I lifted up my wrist so he could see my watch.

"Oh!" He said. "Do you need me to drive you?"

I nodded, then went over and picked up my backpack, then we headed out to the car. I got in the passenger side, and he got in the driver's, and started up the car.

He put his hands on the wheel, then sighed.

"Ella, if you have another panic attack, talk to another student." He said. "Last time it triggered your asthma, and you could've died."

I rolled my eyes.

"Listen to me." He said. "I'll be at work this year, not at school. You can't try and come to me. You need to find someone you can trust."

I stared out the window, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Promise you will?"

I nodded.

"Good." He said, putting the car in drive and pulling out of the driveway.

On the way to school, I put my headphones on and took out my cassette player. I found a random mix tape that I recorded, and put it in, then pressed the play button. After a few seconds of silence, the music started playing, and I turned it up.

Once we got to the high school, I looked at Joseph, taking off my headphones, and sighed.

"See you later, El." He said.

I nodded, and opened up the car door, stepping out. I waved at Joseph one last time, then closed the door, and made my way up to the building.

I took a deep breath, then went inside. I went up to the front desk, and, since the lady there didn't notice me, I tapped on the counter a bit.

And she still didn't notice me.

I folded my hand into a fist, and knocked on the counter.

The lady looked up. "Oh." She Said. "Name?"

I bit my lip.


I took a piece of paper and a pen from the desk, then wrote my name down, handing it to her.

"Oh...Ella Quinn.." She Said.

I looked at her confusedly.

Why did she say my name like that?

She handed me my schedule, and I nodded at her.

I away, making my way to math class. When I reached it, I looked through the small window, noticing that there were a few new students.

Good. People who didn't know me.

Maybe I'd have a chance of meeting someone nice.


I opened the door as quietly as possible, yet everyone still looked up at me.

"You're late, Miss Quinn." The teacher said.

I looked down and went over to my desk, and sat down.

When everyone decided to stop staring at me and go back to their work, I glanced to my side a bit, to see the student seated to my right.

He looked at me, smiling a bit, and I blushed and looked back at my book.

Don't do that again, Ella, I thought. Staring is a bad first impression.

Talk // Chris MartinWhere stories live. Discover now