Chapter Two- Heroism

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[Howdy-doo! Apparently I write fast when I actually do things, who could've guessed! Anyways, take this. >:3]

They arrived in his laboratory, which held a medical bed in case of emergency, several bits of scrap metal, and a lot of other magical mechanics supplies.

"Here we are! Go change into something more befitting a surgery, I've got hospital gowns in my bathroom attached here. I'll be preparing and sterilizing the tools and my work area, so you'll be perfectly safe." He set MK down, and pointed to said bathroom. "Everything you'll need is in there."

"Thank you." MK nodded. Numb though he was, he was still polite. He went in, as stiff and stoic as ever. Red tried to ignore the anger bubbling inside him at it.

He wiped down the table with disinfectant and lay wax paper over it to distract himself. That was done quickly, so he started disinfecting his scalpel and other assorted surgical tools. He was almost done when MK came out of the bathroom, wearing a generic looking hospital gown, but with the Demon Bull Family emblem on it.

"Can I lie down?"

"Yes, I'll just be a second." Red Son nodded. He finished cleaning the last tool, and put on his surgical mask.

He began prepping the sleeping medication for MK, so he didn't have to be awake through his surgery.

"I won't need that." MK said. "I can't feel anything, so if you don't drug me I'll be fine."

"Yes, but looking back on it when you're better will be traumatic. And it'll make my job easier without you looking at me like… that."

"Like what?"

"Your blank expression is fucking infuriating in it's own and if you're undergoing invasive surgeries by your nemesis with it I'll try to ellicit a reaction. You could die."

"Oh. Go ahead then." He didn't seem offended by being infuriating. It was so, so annoying! Argh! He wanted to hit that stupid, blank look off his stupid face!

No, no. This surgery would return him to normal. Hitting him wouldn't help. He sighed, finishing the propofol calculations and setting up the machinery.

"Okay, this is gonna sting a little bit." He held up the IV needle. "I know that doesn't matter to you but I still felt like I had to say it."

"Okay. That's nice of you."

Red Son sighed again, and picked up MK's hand to check for good veins to prick. There was a nice one just behind his pointer finger. "Hold still." He pressed the needle in, and click! It went in smoothly. He hooked up the propofol bag, and started the drip process.

"Okay, you'll fall asleep soon." Red Son said, shuffling his feet.

MK yawned. "Immmm…" he passed out.

Red got to work, cutting MK open to examine his insides for clues.
Nothing. He'd found nothing. He'd checked every little organ and muscle, bone, vein, all of it! Nothing! He shut off the IV, and got a bandaid.

MK woke up. "Did you find anything?"


"I see." He looked close to disappointed, just for a moment. Then nothing. Again.

"Well, I better let you recover. Let me remove the IV first, though." He took his hand again and pressed a wad of cotton to where the needle went into his skin. He pulled the needle out and used the band aid to hold it in place.

"What do I do now?" MK asked.

"Recover from the surgery."

"Was it a vivisection?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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