Chapter 152: The Fight Rages On

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Calista intervened before one of the rampaging men could get to him, kicking him out of the way and flashing a grin at the pretty boy who rolled his eyes but gave her a nod for her help nonetheless.

Shoving him behind her, she blocked a rogue punch, delivering another roundhouse kick to the back of their heads and smirked. Flexing her fingers, she curled them into a tight fist before knocking another right out.

It felt way too good to be able to fight again.

"Oh my, it looks like a fire has started just now." Jae-ha commented indifferently with a hand on his hip as the red-orange flames licked up the side of a chair, from where it had been doused with alcohol and set ablaze.

Hak looked bored out of his mind as he smashed a fist into someone's face before he could get within arm's length of the princess, ignoring the fire as Yoon rushed to help the owner put it out. "It's because they're all going through withdrawal."

Before doing anything else, he shrugged off his outer robe, covering Yona in it since her shawl had slipped off during her encounter and had gotten trampled on, and instructed her firmly to hide.

She refused to budge and before he could get another word in edgewise, she was gone, flocking to Calista's side to help.

The girls fought side by side, mostly ushering civilians out of the way as the addicts continued to rage around the store.

Hak had to admit, that sure was a sight. Both of them draped in the outer coats of their bodyguard and boyfriend respectively put a kind of warning that the other men should have heeded with more caution than they did.

The blue-haired girl that they had just rescued, was on the floor, her eyes wide and frozen in shock as people were flung every which way. Then, someone noticed her.

A flash of golden yellow came flying in, latching his arms and legs around the addict's head before he could advance any further.

"Run away, Miss!!" Zeno yelled at the girl stuck in place due to the terror.

He yelped as he was thrown into a table, crashing into the furniture and crumpling to the ground.

"Zeno!!" Calista and Yona cried out in worry, instinctively moving towards him when they were cut off.

Taking care of them swiftly, Calista pushed Yona on ahead, giving her hurried instructions. "Get that girl out of the way or else she's going to get hurt!!"

The addict continued on to where the girl was still on the ground, shaking and paralyzed in fear.

"Mister!!" Zeno shouted as he righted his body, tenacity burning behind his blue eyes as he jabbed a thumb at himself. "If you wanna punch something, come over here!!"

Thanks to all that racket, the addict ambled over, stealing his attention away from the girl and Yona was able to rush over and get her out of harm's way. The assassin shot past them.

"C'mon, this way!!" Calista urged, clearing a path through the masses as the dragons took care of the rest.

Once Shin-ah saw she was safe, he turned his focus back to helping Hak take out the remainder of the ones who weren't restrained yet.

"These guys can't feel pain." Jae-ha noted, somewhat relaxed despite the murderous aura still emitting from the blue and white dragons beside him.

Those that were undoubtedly under the influence weren't just fighting them, they were also fighting each other.

It showed that they were taking the nadai. Their senses were dulled. After multiple hits, they still didn't go down. The most people that had been taken down and were staying down were the ones Calista took out.

Hak adapted, following her method of slamming the heel of his palm up into an addict's nose.


The man's eyes watered and he clutched his face with a garbled, pained cry.

All they had to do was evoke a physical reaction. They wouldn't feel cuts and scrapes but their body couldn't ignore something that would knock them unconscious.

Shin-ah sidestepped a wild fist, letting Hak take care of that one while he aided Jae-ha.

"Grab the people that seem like they're involved with the nadai!!" Yoon yelled from the corner where he was hiding with the three girls. "We'll ask them questions!!"

"It would be good if they were in a condition to talk." Hak commented with an uninterested drawl.

"Be careful not to hurt them too much because they're commoners!!" Yoon reminded them.

Knowing them, the rare beasts forgot that these were ordinary people with no combat ability. In any other situation, they wouldn't even stand in the same ring as them

"Yoon, what do we do about that person who lost himself to rage?" Jae-ha inquired with a smirk as Kija wrecked anything and everything in sight, turning the room upside down in his vengeance.

"Kijaaaaaa!! CALM DOWN!!!!" Yoon shouted at him, putting as much bite into his tone as he could muster to carry above the noise.

It didn't work as the white dragon continued to tear through the crowd of addicts in his red haze.

"Be careful not to hurt them... huh." Jae-ha scoffed lightly as he tucked away his knives. Using his fists was such a hassle and wasn't beautiful at all. "He really says such difficult things."

Hak smirked but didn't disagree before diving back in the fight.

The crashes and clamor carried on and Yona ducked into the hidden alcove to check on the condition of the girl they had just managed to rescue in time, Calista following to guard her back as Yoon kept an eye on the dragons to make sure they didn't get too out of hand.

Well, at least no more than they already were. He didn't fault them for responding the way that they did. He himself was this close to whacking those addicts on the head, no matter how much of it was the drug's fault.

"Are you alright?" Yona asked caringly, Ao perched on her shoulder.

The squirrel had scampered over to her as soon as Shin-ah had started to fight, finding solstice on the young princess' shoulder where she didn't have to hold on for dear life every two seconds.

The mysterious girl's lower lip wobbled as her eyes teared up. "Ah..."

"Just relax, take deep breaths." Yona encouraged.

Calista stayed on guard but her gaze flickered over to the two of them every so often. All the other girl could get out was a mess of incoherent sounds as the shock of everything got to her.

"All the commotion has died down." Yona told her softly, bringing her in for a hug. "The people that hurt you aren't here anymore."

Calista's shoulders dropped as the last man was incapacitated and for the first time that night, she felt like she could finally breathe.

It was all over.

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