"Do you like it?" She asks, pulling an unsure face. "Aaron says its great but he is always my biggest supporter.."

Looking at the Cotton candy pink hair, I look back to Luna. "It's fun, bright and definitely you."

"You like it?"

"Love it. This dark hair would never get to that level of brilliance. Your hair is really soft too, what did you do? Bribe a witch? Find the fountain of youth?"

She laughs. "Miracle serum, I swear! No juju here."

"Aaron, correct my child before he barfs." I tell him as he stops running around and looks at me, Theo's feet at the side of his head.

"What child? I don't see one." He answers looking around himself. "You gotta child?"

"UNCLE AARON!" Theo shouts from behind him.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Well you guys are just in time, we are making dinner. Spaghetti bolognese?"

Luna gasps. "I have heard your spag bols are legendary. Yes please, I am starving."

"Then come on in. Zak is helping too." I tell them, turning and heading back to the kitchen.

I don't miss the apologetic look Zak shoots in my direction when I enter, but I keep the smile fixed on my face and return to my position by the counter as Luna and Aaron tail in behind. Theo still over his shoulder..

"Aaron, bring my son up before he is throwing up or passing out." Zak says making Aaron laugh.

"You gotta point there bro." Aaron replies bring Theo back up and grinning as Theo laughs. "Okay there buddy?"

Theo nods before looking over at me. "Mummy is making spag bol are you staying for food too?"

"We are." Aaron answers. "Daddy tells me you were catching crabs today, how many did you get?"

"Lots! But I had to let them go..." He answers sadly. "They are Brian's pets, like Gracie is my pet. I would be sad if someone took Gracie."

"Who is Brian?"

"Owner of the cottage and the house." Zak answers.

"So Brian owns the crabs, huh?" Aaron replies making me whirl around instantly.

"No." I tell him.

"What?" He grins.

"Don't you do it. No." I warn, even holding my finger up.

But Aaron is a child in a mans body and brings Theo's head closer to whisper in his ear, which is when I know I'm up shits creek without a paddle, with both of them. Theo gasps and looks at me instantly before grinning.

The same cheeky grin Aaron is wearing..

Whatever the pair are whispering about, it's kept between them, as Aaron sets him down and nods towards the tablet. I know what he has done..

"And what have you promised him now? A unicorn?" Zak asks, planting his hands on his hips.


"Oh I know. Not a good start Goodwin." I tell him.

He winks before looking at Zak. "How do you feel about an aquarium in your house?"

"Water around antiques... How do I feel?" Zak asks. "Like how would you feel about your toys being around a naked flame?"

Aaron holds up his hands. "Hey, I'm just being the best uncle ever.. Right Theo?"

"Yeah! Daddy, Uncle Aaron is getting me a pet crab!"

Destiny of DemonsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя