They continued the incantation until the entire castle was covered.

"Oh my gosh. Ginny!" Lucy exclaimed with a gasp.

Ginny returned her expression with a confused frown.

"I have to find Harry, it's just clicked!" Lucy screamed excitedly as she ran back to the castle.

As she hurried up the stairs towards the Ravenclaw tower Lucy peered outside one of the castle windows. A light shot up outside the protection and attempted to break it.

The first failed but after a few seconds passed, a larger force projected and shot through it, breaking it into billions of pieces.

The enchantment began to fall down, cascading through the night sky as Lucy felt a wave of horror. Voldemort was here and he was minutes away from entering the castle.

Lucy pushed on; through the students she made her way closer to Ravenclaw tower.

"Harry!" She screamed when she saw him running down the stairs towards her.

"Not now, Luce. Busy!" He shouted. Lucy quickly turned on her heel and ran alongside him.

"I've seen it. The diadem, I know where it is." She said through her breaths as the skipped down the stairs.

"The room of requirement." Harry blurted as if he already knew.

"Yes, but I know where." Lucy added. He looked to her in shock before a smile crept onto his face.

"Let's go." He said quickly as the two of them ran down the corridors.

It took them a few minutes to reach the empty corridor. Harry looked to Lucy as she manifested the same room she had seen the diadem in.

The large oak doors appeared before them and she pushed them open.

"We have to hurry." Harry said to her. Lucy nodded and grabbed his hand as she quickly manoeuvred around the aisles of junk. "I've never seen it like this before." She heard Harry say behind her.

"It's a mess, I know. Almost impossible to remember where things are." Lucy mumbled as she worked out where they were. "Over here." She said.

They ran further until Harry stopped and Lucy recognised the cleared space.

"It's here." Harry whispered.

Lucy walked straight over to where the diadem sat. Harry came over behind her and looked at the piece in front of them.

"That's it." He whispered. Lucy looked over at him and nodded.

The two stood quietly until a rustle brought their attention of their shoulders.

"Draco." Lucy whispered. He stood with Theo, Vincent and Felicity Eastchurch.

She could see him relax at the sight of her, but her attention quickly turned to Felicity beside Theo.

She had her wand pointed at the two of them, almost ready to attack.

"Eastchurch, what're you doing?" Theo snapped at her. She took a few steps away from the boys and eyed Lucy and Harry with a deathly glare.

"You heard the Dark Lord. He wants Harry." She spat.

"Don't be daft." Theo said annoyed at her.

Lucy subtly grabbed her wand out of her pocket and raised it to meet her.

"Stupefy!" Felicity shot at Harry and Lucy.

With a second to spare Lucy stood in front of Harry and blocked the stun.

The Slytherin Princess - Year SevenWhere stories live. Discover now