And he knows himself to well, he can be either merciless or forgiving nothing inbetween. And mind you he has an agressive vocabulary.


He was inside his office leg on top the table resting in a cross. His secratary quietly watching her boss play with the fountain pen in his hand, patiently observing his every movement waiting for a command.

You know something went down, when Kang is taking his sweet time instead of rushing things or doing them beforehand. She clutched on the iPad, tension was in the air. You could feel it.
With all nervousness she shifted in her heels, fiddling with the cuffs of her long blouse.

She looked at her boss right in his face, she respected the other very much but she would've lied if she said she wasn't intimidated by him. One of the things Kang doesn't like is his staff lacking confidence. So, no matter how scared you are you are build to look in the eye of death. Kang makes sure of that.

"Ms. Song you know I don't like that. Imply my words." He deadpanned without even sparing her a glance. She straightened her back, taking a moment to gulp in air "Yes sir Kang, that'll never happen again." She said with a computerised tone with burning confidence, whelving the nervousness and fear.

He got up from his chair, standing right infront of her, his hands in his pants' pockets, classic Taehyun. "First, I need all the gifts from Japan to be sold and donate the money, I need all details by tomorrow. Second, my arrival in Seoul shouldn't be publicised till tomorrow evening. Lastly, instead of today my luggage should be at my appartment by tomorrow 8 pm. Is that clear?"

She looked down at her iPad taking down all notes and nodding with assurance and smiled as she looked up at Taehyun staring at her doing the work. "Yes Mr. Kang noted, all your commands will be brought to action." Taehyun smirked, oh he knew he could trust his staff with a blind eye, they never failed to impress him with their work ethic and speech. His harsh training build them in a certain way after all.
"And one more favour please."

"On your command Mr. Kang." He leaned back on the table, taking a moment to look down at her red heels, the right corner of his lip curving a little. He is going to commit to the sin too.

Just not the sin of lust,

he was nowhere near the state of akrasia; Lack of self-control.

"I want every single detail of the name Choi Yeonjun." "Is it associated with the name Choi Beomgyu?" She knew Beomgyu, Taehyun had asked her to take all his details too before signing him up as his roommate, he didn't want anyone with a black record under his watch. And it was safety purposes always.

"Indeed." Taehyun spinned the pen inbetween his fingers, she looked up from the screen staring up into his eyes, while breaking into a smirk herself.

She noticed the malicious hatred in his eyes, "Mr. Kang, should I also set a count down?" Taehyun cocked his eyebrow at her and chuckled lightly, "Oh not yet Hayoung," he paused for a bit standing back up straight, "maybe sometime in the future though, you might get a chance to do that."

She nodded and bowed with satisfaction exiting his office closing the door behind her back.

'Choi Yeonjun don't let me be the cause of your absume disappearance.'

It's all a cause of Mania.


(Only the editing is mine, credit to the rightful owners)

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