Chapter 1

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3rd Person's P.O.V

Urokodaki Sakonji could be seen sitting on the engawa of the Ubuyashiki household. Beside him were Oyakata-sama , his wife and their  five children. Kneeling in front of the Ubuyashikis were the hashiras who were all confused on the sudden meeting since their regular was still a month away. They were also confused as to why the previous hashira along with the entire Ubuyashiki family would be present at the meeting.

"Now I know know you all might be confused but Urokodaki-san had brought so very interesting topic that we would like to share." Oyakata's smooth voice rang throughout the air.

This caught all the hashiras' attention as they all turned their head to the direction of the masked man who was staring at them....or was he not?

"Would you mind enlightening them for me Urokodaki-san?" Oyakata asked the man who looked at him.....or did he?

"Right." The man turned back to the curious hashiras before clearing his throat.

"About a year I was injured. So injured that I couldn't move. I laid in bed for three whole days before I got some..... unique guests."


Urokodaki laid in his bed in pain. His limbs were aching and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't push the pain away. He was fighting fighting a demon that had a blood demon art that allows a person to feel any injury up to 100x times greater that it's initial. The smaller the injury the more pain you feel and Urokodaki just so happened to only get a graze on his cheek before  decapitating the demon. Sadly, that didn't end the demon art and he had only just enough strength to limp home and pass out on his futon. For two days he had been in and out of consciousness because of the pain and on the third day he awoke to a cold cloth been placed on his forehead. His vision cleared and he stared into relieved ruby red eyes. His body tensed. It would have been different if it weren't for the slits of is iris. A clear indication that this person was a demon. Urokodaki tried to move but the demon boy pushed him back down and shook his head.

"You've been affected by a blood demon art. We were able to get the blood out but the effect is still in place. It would probably let up in a day or too. Until then we'll take care of you." Te demon smiled. Urokodaki sighed before relaxing, his instincts telling him to trust him. 

That's when it hit him "You said we?" His voice was hoarse and scratchy.

"Yes my sister is in the kitchen making soup for you." And at that moment a girl with waist-length black hair with orange tips walking in with a tray of steaming hot soup. She had the same ruby red eyes and when the laid on Urokodaki relieve shone in them. The girl smiled and sat on the opposite  end of her brother. 

"My name is Tanjiro Kamado and that's my younger sister Nezuko Kamado. And you are?"

Sakonji Urokodaki."

"Right well I'm gonna need you to sit up so she can feed you." The dem- Tanjiro said. He helped the man sit up and him sister fed him the soup. When they were finished, they laid him down and Tanjiro placed the washcloth back on his forehead.

"The fever is going down so that's good." he said in a relieved voice.

"Why are you helping me?" Urokodaki questioned, his voice sounding much better thanks to the warm liquid.

The demon stared in surprise, caught off guard by the question before smiling sincerely.

"We wanted to. Do we need another reason?" he smiled brightly. Urokodaki sighed he for closing his eyes.

How long have you guys been demons?" he questioned.

He heard the demon sigh. "About two months now." was the response.

"And how many humans have you eaten?" He didn't really want to kill them but they are demons now.

"Oh none." came the cheerful response.

Urokodaki's eyes snapped opened he sprang up and stared at the demon who blinked owlishly at him.

"I  find that highly unlikely." 

The demon blinked once, then twice before smiling softly and looking away.

"I'v never had the urge to but she had." he said looking at his sister who was leaning on the wall and sleeping. Urokodaki followed his eyes and also looked at the sleeping ravenette with a bamboo muzzle which he just now noticed, before turning back to the sadly smiling demon. The demon turned to face him and he say the pain hidden deep within, barely been concealed and the unshed tears in his eyes. The demon looked down before continuing.

"She.....she almost ate our family but I was able to snap her out of it before she could. I couldn't have her turn on me, she's....she's all I have left. No one else survived but us and I...I couldn't let her turn." The demon was now sobbing quietly in his hand while the man stared at him with pity. The demon wiped his face before smiling  brightly before wiping his eyes.

"But that's  okay. Everything is fine now." The demon said.

Urokodaki stared at the boy before  nodding and laying back down. A few minutes later he was fast asleep.

The next day he awoke to soup, small conversation with the male since the female didn't speak and more bed rest until the third day when he was able to get out of the bed no trouble. During that time Tanjiro had shown him about a sword which belonged to his ancestors and Urokodaki promised to teach in sword fighting but was surprised when the the boy said he already knew a sword technique. After Urokodaki was better they decided to leave much to the man's dismay.

"You can stay longer if you want. I wouldn't mind." He tried to persuade the but they only smiled and hugged him. Tanjiro then gave him a small whistle and said.

"Use this to contact us and take care Urokodaki-san." Tanjiro smiled.

"Hump hump!" Nezuko responded.

And with that the held hands and both set off on their journey into the dark unknown.

*Flashback end*

Urokodaki held up the whistle to show to everyone around.

"There's something very special about those two." he concluded and though they couldn't see it, they knew  he was smiling.


So I randomly got the idea and decided to post about it.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Constructive criticism is welcomed

Stay safe, wash your hands and social distance yourselves


I only removed the part where it said he knows Breath of Sun. Nothing else.

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