"So? tell me about your day Jen, I'm listening"

Just as expected from Y/n always wanting to know about how's my day have been.

He never once complained whether it was boring or was it too long.

He just keeps listening to me and then whenever I rant to him about all of my problems he would instantly know what to do or what to say.

Eversince day 1...he has been the best friend I had ever had...

'Even after that nerd cheated on me...'

I became mean to him because of that problem making him distance himself from me and then before I noticed it.

He was already so far away from my reach.

Now that he is back again and is right next to me once again...I want to keep him for real now.

'I want to put a trust that he would never break my heart...'

But then again...he doesn't know about my feelings and I don't really know what I am to him...

All I know is the longer I hide this feelings the more my feelings keeps showing and began to be more obvious.

'He sure is dense...'

Walking down the quiet hallway makes me feel relax and puts my mind at ease, good thing it's study time right now.

'But I can't just study here and the library would probably be crowded...so where should I go?'

As I was looking around finding a place to where I can go and read my book at peace and with a great view.

I familiar figure appeared in front of me just if my calculations are right....11 steps away from me.

I wasn't planning on disturbing her but oh well, I might need her company somehow.

I took one step, two steps, three steps and stopped. I look at her and admired her, only eight steps left and I can finally be close to her.

As I take a step one at a time it gets me close to her and makes our gap shorter. Reminding me of how I met Jennie for the first time in my life.

A step I took that I thought was a bad decision became one of the greatest decisions I have ever made.

If I didn't went closer to her one by one...I wouldn't have found the girl that'll make me fall in love for the first time.

Break my heart and make me fall once again.

A very boring but lovely story of how we both met is something that I will always treasure in my memories and will never be erased.

No matter how many times I'll be reincarnated.

I will always come back to you, one step at a time...

"Jennie..." as I call her name calmly the young girl turned around to face me and a very beautiful and angelic smile was seen on her face.

Everything about her screams 'perfection' without her even trying.

"Y/N~" when my name slipped out of her mouth while staring at me excitedly, my heart began to race at a very dangerous rate.

This wasn't suppose to happen. It never was my plan to fall in love with her.

All I wanted was to see this fragile girl from my childhood and now that she's right in front of me.

I can't help but fall in love all over again.

This might be my last chance to confess to her.

I don't want to let this chance go.

I'm taking this risk...whether I would be rejected or not.

Either way I'll confess to her right here right now.

'No more backing away Y/n Lee...man up'


She looks at me waiting for me to continue making me more anxious and wanting to back away.

'No...No you ain't backing away'

"I have to tell you something"

"Sure what is it?"

"I love you...."

He's A Nerd||JenniexM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now