nope lol

ur brother can taste the cake tho

both kinds ;))

mi amor

stop talking about my brother like that

i'll get jealous



funny joke

atsumu miya? jealous?

mi amor

not a joke
read 06:18pm

dont u dare leave me on read


well how the hell do i reply to "not a joke"

mi amor

idk say something funny

say something cute

u usually manage to


stop being subtly nice to me

its unsettling

mi amor

what can i say

im a changed man

i now compliment women instead of making gross jokes about them :)


and they say chivalry is dead

mi amor

u know im usually pretty nice to people

regardless of gender 


when he's a feminist

mi amor

girls say its hot

clearly ur not affected


girls will find guys like u hot no matter what u do

ive seen girls date total scumbags with pretty faces

thats why u have a fanclub

they dont care if ur a feminist

mi amor

it does help tho


u dont need help, tbh

like i said, girls will find u hot no matter what

mi amor

not u tho


idk abt that

mi amor

what do u mean?
read 06:23pm


reply to me

read 06:24pm

okay, goodnight y/n, i hope u get to sleep alright
read 06:25pm

Thank you, Y/n thought softly, her thumb hovering over the space where you write a text message. Unable to find a witty response in her mind, she simply shut off her phone, placing it to charge on her bedside table.

That was a risky message to send, Y/n thought as she settled down to try and sleep, but it feels like I've opened a new part of myself up and that feels good.

Wrapping her pillow around her ears to muffle the yells of her parents that would surely come later in the night, Y/n shifted in her bed to the most comfortable position.

I'll message him in the morning, and everything will be fine.


hey was this a cute chapter lol i feel like the characters are becoming a lil more vulnerable with each other?? yadigggggg????

qotd: whats your sexuality, if you dont mind me asking? i'm straight but defo supportive of all genders and sexualities!! :D hbu?

math homework | m. atsumuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora