Chapter Two

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Tubbo moved his gaze towards Tommy. He felt like something was up. He had flinched at Ranboo's words, but Tubbo didn't know why. All they were talking about was meat. Tubbo knew he was a vegetarian, but some part of Tubbo made him think it was more than that.

"You okay Tommy?" Tubbo asked, meeting his friends eyes.

"I'm fine," Tommy lied. Tubbo didn't believe him, but decided to drop the subject since Ranboo was there. He would have a chat with Tommy later.

Tubbo turned back to Ranboo. "Classic Shulmeria starting fights over meat." Tubbo was glad to be out of there, even if it was because he was kicked out.

The reason he was kicked was because he was 'weak' in the kings eyes. Everyone in Shulmeria is extremely tough. Kindness was always shown as being weak. When its really the opposite. If someone is brave enough to be kind then the kingdoms becomes a better place. Why else would Lyterian be so peaceful?

"The issue is we didn't even take any meat from them. Their making it up," Ranboo explained, "It's as if their begging for a war."

Tommy shrugged, "They probably are. Those bitches get in scrimmages about thirty times a year." Tubbo had to agree, Shulkmeria loved fighting in wars. They trained for hours each day until they were stronger than before. Always happy to use there advantages on other people.

Shulks skin is extremely tough, making it hard to cut. It's as though your skin is armor.

"Yeah. If there one thing I know about Shulmeria is that it loves to cause issues," Tubbo agreed, "The Shulks are probably getting mad at how well Endlantis is keeping things peaceful."

Ranboo nodded. "I only wish the peace lasted a bit longer."

Ranboo stayed with Tommy and Tubbo for a bit longer before having to leave. Saying goodbye before quickly teleporting away. Leaving the two boys alone on the hill.


"Yes Tubbo?" He answered.

"Be honest with me. Why did you flinch when Ranboo mentioned meat? Is it because you're a vegetarian? If so I'm sorry for asking. I just, feel like maybe you're hiding something?" Tubbo sat down across from Tommy. "It's okay if you don't want to talk, but I really hate secrets."

Tommy looked like a deer in the headlights. Tubbo knew from his response that it wasn't just because he was a vegetarian. Someone wouldn't look that scared.

Tommy leaned up against the tree letting out a long breath. "I don't remember." At his response everything went quiet. The birds stopped chirping and the wind stopped blowing. The only noise heard was their breathing.

"Don't remember what?"

"Anything that happened before I turned eight." Tubbo could feel his jaw drop.

"Nothing? It's just blank?"

"Yeah. I have faint pictures in my head but nothing extreme. The most I remember is that I was only fed meat for a really long time."

Tubbo moved so he was next to Tommy. "Then why is meat triggering for you?"

Tommy took in a deep breath. Tubbo could tell this was hard for him to talk about. "Well that was around the time I lost my wings. I can tell I had them because I have feathers where I believe they used to be." Tubbo tried not to gasp. If he was being honest, he thought Tommy was a human.

"And you don't remember your family?"

"Not really. I have a very faint idea of what they look like though."

Tubbo felt sympathetic for Tommy. He couldn't imagine not having his powers. And not having his family either. Tubbo shivered just thinking about it.

"Tommy, we'll find your family I promise," Tubbo vowed, "If it's the last thing I do."

"Thanks Tubbo," Tommy said. Tubbo was glad he finally told him. Now he can try and help, and honestly, that's all Tubbo ever wanted to do.


Y'all are so nice I want to melt.

Seriously thank you all for the nice comments and for voting it means so much to me. <3

Thank you so much for reading!

And I'll see you soon. <3

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