"You remember the time that James and I got lost in Surrey?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, somehow we ended up here and you can guess what happened."

"Who's them, Mummy?" Dudley asked.

"Your worst nightmare. We've got it all, Dudley! A godfather who's been in jail for twelve year to a godmother who's more terrifying than Satan himself. And let's not even mention the aunt and uncle here. Let's just say, we're a peculiar bunch." I smirked.

"Oh this is too golden. I love this." Solis said laughing and I nodded in agreement.

"I'm actually glad I decided to stay with Lily that night. The reasons are obvious." I shrugged and stood up. "I really can't say that it's been a pleasure being here. But thanks for keeping Harry alive, I guess. And seriously Petunia, fix the damn place. It looks like my dead grandmother decorated this place."

"I would say that's rude, but she's actually right. Mama Potter had real bad fashion sense."


"Yep. Didi and I had a lot of fun tearing that place apart when we were five."

"Where will he go?" Petunia asked softly and I scoffed.

"With us, as it should've been all along. And don't go giving me pity. That never works on me. In fact, it makes me even angrier." I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut.

"She behaved! That's a miracle!" Remus said laughing.

"Rude. How do you feel Harry?" I asked smiling.

"Like a fifteen year weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Thank you so much, Jade." Harry smiled and hugged me.

"Anything for you, Bambi."


"So is this it?"

"Yep. That's Potter Manor. That's where Prongs and I spent seventeen years of our lives." I said and walked in hesitatingly. "Merlin, I've missed this place."

"It feels slightly bittersweet to be home."

"Why bittersweet?"

"It just is, Lily. The kitchen was where we took our first steps, the fireplace was where we discovered our powers when Jade almost killed me with a ball of fire, those steps was where Jade and I would sit and eat ice cream the night we got home from school, the treehouse was where we would escape at the crack of dawn if any of us had nightmares, among others. Lots of memories here."

"That's really cute. So is that why Jade's crying?"

"That and she walked into my old room and Harry said he wanted it. CALM DOWN, DIDI!"


"Now why did I know you would be awake and on the roof?"

"Shut up and show yourself, James." I chuckled and he appeared. "Hi, stupid face."

"I'm taking offense to that." He laughed and sat down next to me. "You okay?"

"No, but I'll live. It feels weird being back here, y'know? But relieving at the same time." I shrugged.

"That's what I was telling Lily earlier. Remember the night we got our powers?"

"Yeah, I do. Sorry for almost hitting you with a fireball, but it was hilarious you trying to do the same to me." I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"You were always way better at wandless magic than me. That would probably explain why I'm dead and you're not." James shrugged and I gave him a look. "Too soon?"

"Very. You saw the twins?"

"You mean the two lumps who completely took over your side of the bed? Then yes, I did. Lily is in love with them." James smirked and I chuckled.

"Yesterday it was Pad's side so it's payback, I guess. They're getting so big and it's been almost three months. But I'm glad Sirius and I aren't doing this alone. Even Harry is helping out. Seeing a fifteen year old kid burp his cousins is actually pretty funny. His face when Marlene puked on him was priceless!" We both laughed and I pulled the blanket closer to me. "I miss you, Bam Bam. You would be so proud of Harry."

"I am, Didi. Though he did call our map rubbish. But other than that, I'm proud. Guess what his patronus is!?" He asked excitedly and I chuckled.

"I know he called the map rubbish. Fred told me and Remus had to hold me back. And he casted a corporeal patronus? Really?"


"Oh no, he's turned into you. What's next? Him fancying a ginger?" I said appalled and he laughed.

"We're working on it."

The Aftermath (Sequel to The Fifth Marauder) (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now