Me and my sister Ch.1

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Hey my name is Sienna and I have a sister. On my dad side but we are every closes to each other. We talk all the time. We both have kids I have one son an two daughters. My sister has one son an two daughters. An we are not the only siblings.

Are dad have 10 kids. Then Shawntae said hey I'm Shawntae. I'm not a single mother anymore. I have a boyfriend we have band date for a quit wow now. Like my sister said I have Three kids they names are Shawnee and Shawn and Dre'Shanna.

Shawnee is 3 years old and Shawn is 9 months and Dre'Shanna is 15 years old . My boyfriend name is Terrence. And my baby daddy name is Sean. Sometime Sean might come over in see his kids or sometimes  he might come over to talk to me or try to have sex with me sometime. But it never happens. Because I have a man already in the reason it didn't work out with me in him is because he was a lier in he use to beat my ass.

In I couldn't take it no more so I kick his ass out in I have caught up with a friend that I knew for a long time. In I had called him to go to lunch today at 2:30 in he said yea I be there at 2:30 in she said ok bye. Then I got in the shower to get ready to go to lunch with my friend. So Shawntae went in I had some cheese in broccoli soup in he got a salad in we talk about are life in stuff. Then Terrance said you know what I like you for real can you be my girlfriend. Because I just can't stop thinking about you at night an in my dreams.

He said I know how yo babies daddy treated you real wrong in stuff like that. But that none of my business. But all I know I'm going to be there for you in treat you with respect in I'm going to love your kids like they are mines but at the same time I'm not trying to take there dads place you  know thats y'all kids y'all had  sex in had them so I'm going to love them kids. Shawntae said ok. Shawntae said I really like you to in you know I know your hold family in they know my kids. In I know you every since we was in the 3th grade all the way up to the 12th grade.

In we begin dating for a while. Because we was dating in the 12th grade in now. So that a real long time because I'm 25 years old in you is 27 years old so yea that a long time we begin dating. He said can I move in with you so you can be closer. Shawntae said yeah you can because I'm not want he no more. She said  you can spin a night to night then you can move in this Friday. He said ok how about three nights. She said I well think about it. He said ok I see you later than.

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