Chapter 6: ♤Romehwa&Joonguliet♤

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(A/N: I'm an not good at this, sorry)

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(A/N: I'm an not good at this, sorry)

Hongjoong laid on his bed with a grin on his face, squealing happily he chucked his phone across the room.

A satisfying crack being heard.

"Looks like I need a new phone", hongjoong said as he sat up on his elbows.

The sudden knock on the door made hongjoong jerk up.

Who could it be his brother had already came?

Hongjoong's body ran cold, his eye sharp as he laid on his bed. Hongjoong knew better than to just answer the door by himself....and due to his earlier burst of sudden happiness he had nothing to call the others with.

The knock came again this time more rushed like if the person behind the door was becoming impatient with not being answered.

Slowly Hongjoong slipped out of bed his socks clad feet padding against the polished wooden floor.

The path to the door felt so much longer now that a black feeling was brewing, he felt nervous and uneasy.

Standing in front the door the knock came again,

Hongjoong looked at the door warily before sighing deeply and opening the door slightly.

To look at the man standing in front of him hair slicked back, suit pressed perfectly shoes shining with what little light was given to it. His face pale like a vampire eyes boring holes into Hongjoong as he opened the door.

"Took you long enough",

"What do you want Sanhee?",

"You know what I want and it seems, I'm lucky your guard dogs aren't here to protect you today",


"Now why would I do that", Sanhee said pushing his way into the dorm, pushing Hongjoong in the process from the sudden force.

Stumbling back into the room Hongjoong, quickly regained his balance.

"So tell me how have you been holding being locked away?", he said condescendingly as he waltzed into he room the heel of his shoe clicking obnoxiously as he walked.

"Fuck off",

Grabbing hongjoong by his chin he made him look up into the black set of eyes above him.

"You know more than anyone else that I hate your attitude", Sanhee said his voice lased with poison as he spoke. Ripping out of the other grasp Hongjoong hit him square on his Hongjoong making the taller male stumble, one of his hands held his jaw as the other searched for something to hold himself against.

Hongjoong stood up straight as he finally had room to breathe.

In through the door with heavy steps Hongjoong turned to see Yunho slamming his bag onto the ground, a displeased scowl on his perfect face as he walked over to Sanhee who had just regained his bearings.


Sanhee stared at Yunho mouth gaping like a fish.


With that he left not without throwing Hongjoong a glare. Yunho slammed the door as the male walked out, turning to Hongjoong he quickly walked to male and patted him down searching like he was actually gonna find a bone poking out something.

"I'm fine Yunho, he didnt do anything", Hongjoong said as he backed away from the male who was now giving him puppy eyes

"....I should install security cameras", Yunho mumbled as he picked up his bag from the ground.

Hongjoong laughed.

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