Draco, go get your mother she in the shop next to us. 

Why, what's going on, he asks.

Draco, do as I say, now, Lucius says raising his voice slightly.

Draco goes and comes back seconds later with Narcissa by his side. 

Lucius, what is going on, she asks looking at him.

I found this one back her with Y/N, she's over there, he says referring you you who was lying on the cold snowy, ground. 

What the hell, she says with panic in her voice, as she quickly makes her way to you. Y/N wake up darling, she says. What did he do to her?

Yes, I would like to know that myself, Lucius says looking back at the red head boy who was still pinned to the wall. 

She was being a bitch, I was trying to talk to her, and she wouldn't listen, he said. 

And so you thought knocking her out and then leaving her was the right thing to do? Narcissa says questioning with anger in her voice. 

I mean I don't really care about her so, yeah, says Ron looking over at you slightly amused. 

You slowly start to wake up, looking around your surroundings. 

Your a fucking liar Ron and your know it, you say slowly sitting up with help from Narcissa and Draco who had made his way over to you. 

What is he talking about, Cissa asks, looking at you. What happened before Lucius got here?

I was in one of the stores with Draco paying for some things, when Ron came up to me and put his hand on my waist, I tried to get back to where Draco was put, he pulled me out of the store and into this alley, you say as tears start to fill your eyes. 

Its, okay darling, continue, Cissa says, taking your hand in her for comfort. 

I told him that I really had to go and he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, he grabbed my wrist with one hand and my throat with the other, at this point tears will streaming down your face. He said that he remembers a time like this in the past and that we could have some "fun" again, and I told him no. He got mad and called me a bitch and punched me. After that I don't remember anything, you says trying to steady your breathing. 

Y/N what did you mean exactly when you said, there was a time in the past when you two hand "fun", Lucius asks you looking away from the red haired boy but still holding onto him tightly. 

You quickly look from him to Draco, then to Narcissa not saying a word. It was last year in before Christmas break, you start to explain, I was dating Ron at the time and he got mad at me for hanging out with Draco, he thought that I was cheating on him with Draco. I tried to tell him that Draco and I were friends and that I would never ever cheat on him, but he did not believe me, and he started to get mad and said that I need to learn some respect, you says as you eyes gloss over again threatening for tears to spill. S-so h-he, you started to say, but Ron interrupted you. 

Don't you fucking dare tell them you bitch, you were asking for it and you wanted it, he says smirking evilly at you. 

She already told me what you did, Narcissa says getting up from the sport next to you walking over to him. 

She takes Lucius' place pinning him to the wall.

I swear to god if you come anywhere near Y/N again I will have the pleasure of killing you myself, she says looking him dead in the eyes, you think that raping someone is fun, huh, because that is just sick, she says getting more and more pissed off. Now if you don't get out of here by the count of three you won't be leaving this alley at all, she says, letting him go. 

One, she starts counting but he just started running, into the crowd of people who were shopping for their gifts. 

Are you alright, asks Draco helping you up, you slightly stumble into him, but he catches you holding you steady. 

Yea, I just need a second, you say, looking over at Narcissa and Lucius, who were looking at each other worriedly. 

Are you sure your alright Y/N, Lucius asks making his way over to you. 

Yes, thank you, for getting him away from me, you say giving him a smile. 

Of course, he says returning the smile. 

Here darling drink this, Narcissa says pulling out a vial of the potion you had taken this morning and a bottle of water. You take both of them willingly, cringing at the taste of the potion yet again, earning a chuckle from all of them. 

Okay, can we continue getting our gifts, you asks looking at all of them for approval.

Yes, how about we get some lunch and then we can continue, Lucius suggests. 

Draco and Narcissa agree, and Lucius turns to you. Y/N are you okay with that?

Oh, um yes that sounds good, you reply looking down at the ground. 

Okay why don't we meet you boys there, hmm, Narcissa asks, looking at Lucius and Draco. 

Alright, come Draco, he says walking out of the alley. 

Once the have left, you collapse to the floor crying. Narcissa makes her way over to you quickly taking you in her arms. 

Shhh, love it's alright, your going to be okay, she says hugging you tightly. 

I'm sorry, you says taking a deep breath, looking into her eyes. 

For what love, she asks with a questioning look on her face. 

For what just happened with Ron, you says, I tried to get away from him, I did, but I just couldn't and after he said that I just froze. 

It's okay, darling she says, wiping your tears away. You are so strong, for being able to face him, like that without any warning. You did amazing love. Come on let's go meet up with the boys, I'm sure their wondering where are are, she says helping you up. 

Thanks angle, you says giving her a small warm smile. 

Je t'aime tellement (I love you so much), you say giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Je t'aime aussi mon amour (I love you too, my love) she says taking your hand. 

No Matter What (Narcissa Malfoy X Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now