"Does this castle have a name? Like Dragonspire castle or Nendou Stronghold?"

"Saiki Palace." 

"Really? Naming it after yourself? Sounds pretty selfish."

"I built it." He starts, walking his character out of the castle. "So I can do whatever I want."

"Pfft, whatever you say, your highness." You say, mimicking a British accent. "But the judges' votes are in and they say I win this challenge."

"What judges?"

"My sheep." You say pointing at the TV. "It was unanimous but you gave a solid effort."

"That isn't a fair vote."

"How is it not fair?" You say setting your controller down and giving Saiki your full attention.

"They are sheep, sheep can't vote." He says matter-of-factly also setting his controller down. 

"That sounds very discriminatory. You're being sheepist."

"Sheepist? Really?" He says, now looking at you fully, narrowing his eyes challengingly. 

"Yeah, they didn't like your self-absorbed tyrannical ruling so they decided to come over to my place, where I let them eat as much of my grass as they want." You cross your arms over your chest and narrow your eyes too. "It was a unanimous vote because of that."

He looks away from your gaze and back at the screen. "Well, they're eating all of your grass."

You turn back to the screen too to see your yard now filled with patches of dirt where the luscious pixilated grass used to be. 

"No! Stop sheep!" You panic as you grab the controller again to try to do something. "Don't ruin the aesthetic!" 

Saiki exhales sharply from his nose and watches as you struggle to fix your front yard. You decide to let the sheep roam free around the world and after you fix the yard so that it looks good as it can, you turn over to Saiki who has an amused look on his face. You hit his character with your own but he doesn't seem to care."Don't be all smug. I'll fix it so it looks even better than before." 

"Okay, you do that." He replies as he maneuvers his character away to go do whatever else he needs to do. "I'm gonna go mine."

You turn back to the screen and spin your character around to follow him. "I bet I can find diamonds before you." You feel his eyes on the side of your face, you turn back to him with a smirk. "Do you accept the challenge?" 

"You're on." 


For the next couple of days, Saiki came over, and you both would either play games or read, do homework, or watch whatever show was on. You would do most of the talking but you could tell that Saiki didn't really mind. He commented on the new decor saying the room looked 10x less depressing than it did. You rolled your eyes at his comment but regardless, took it as a compliment. One day Saiki even brought over some of his games so you could play them too. It was honestly a good time and it was nice to not be so alone in the apartment after school. A few times you'd only hang out for a little before you had to go to work, but most days you guys would hang out for hours before he would have to go home for dinner.

It's Friday and you both are sitting on the floor in your living room playing Mario Kart. You're neck-and-neck in the race but luckily you turn the corner and (y/character) drifts past his to victory. You lift your arms in the air and cheer.

"Finally!" You exclaim in victory and fall on your back. Saiki turns his head and looks at you with an annoyed expression.

"Well, that won't happen again. Don't get too happy," he answers with a hint of a smirk.

"That was what, our 7th race? Just let me have my moment." You say as you sit back up. You catch him rolling his eyes at your statement and you punch his shoulder lightly.

"I'm going to keep this streak going. This race, I will destroy you," you state confidently and push your hair out of your face.

"Right," Saiki draws out, "keep telling yourself that." You glare at him and press start.

After a devastating loss, you both decide to call it good for the evening since Saiki will have to head home soon. He grabs his bag and as he puts his shoes on, you pick up some of the snacks from off the living room floor and put them in the kitchen. When you come back, Saiki is standing at the door.

"Do you think you're going to go to the festival tomorrow?" Saiki asks as you make your way back over to him. At lunch earlier that day, Yumehara was talking about a festival that was happening in the park close to the school. There would be food, activities, and little shops set up with sweets and souvenirs. Apparently, it was going to be a busy and exciting event that in Yumehara's words "could not be missed."

"Yeah, I think I will. I'll have to work in the morning but it sounds like everyone is planning on going in the evening anyway," you say, leaning against the wall. He nods then goes to head for the door.

"I'll stop by and we can walk there together."

"Sure, I'll text you when I get off work," you agree and walk with him to the door.

"Next time we play Mario Kart, you're going down," you say and cross your arms across your chest, "I won't be going easy on you." A ghost of a smile appears on his face at your competitiveness.

"I'll believe it when I see it," he responds and you glare at him.

You say your goodbyes and he leaves. You go to clean up your mess of papers that you had littered around your table from the homework you guys were doing earlier when a thought came to your head.

'Did he just ask me out...?  No...That was not him asking me out. He just wants to walk with me until we meet everyone... yeah.' You shake it off and continue cleaning. Either way, you're excited to go and hang out with everyone. You haven't been to a festival since your mom past so you hope it will be a good way to move on. After cleaning up, you go to watch anime, because what's better than that.

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