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Mean while with Tubbo
Nobody's pov:

Tubbo was walking down the prime path towards l'manburg to go talk to ghostbur to see how to the was doing since he was really the only one that talked to Tommy.tubbo really missed tommy.he wish he was with him so he could talk and chat and do stuff together.tubbo pulled out the disc tommy had given him before tubbo made his decision that he regretted deeply.because without tommy he felt empty he felt like he had no emotions.he wished he had someone like tommy.tubbo was walking and saw the bench that tommy and tubbo had carved there names in "тσмму αηԃ тσву". He felt hia eyes start to water as he read the carved names in the bench.as tobbo grabed the disc and placed it in the juke box and sat in his side of the bench.tubbk then started to hum to the melody playing from the juke box and sway with the music.he then imagined tommy next to him humming the melody along with tubbo.

whenever tubbo and Tommy sat on the bench tubbo would usually lay his head on Tommy's shoulder and then fall asleep.then tommy would lay his head on tubbo and drift into a slumber.

Tubbo then was brought back to reality feeling a light tap on his shoulder.
"Tubbo are you okay,you look like you have been crying"?ranboo was concerned for tubbo.he knew that it was tough for tubbo because he would only really hang out with Tommy and chat with him.
"I am fine ranboo,as a matter a fact I have to get going to l'manburg to the ghostbur". Tubbo" says in a fake happy tone.tubbo starts walking towards l'manburg as he was walking he felt a hand rap around his rist.
"Tubbo I know that you miss tommy,and I know that he's the only person you really talked to and hanged out with,I just want to let you know you can always talk to me"ranboo the let's go of Tubbos rist and proceeds to walk away.
"Wait- never mind".Tubbo was hopping for a response but then remembers where he was headed and walked away.
At l'manburg
"Hi ghostbur"!!tubbo said cheerfully
"Hello tubbo"!!!!says ghostbur in his regular joyful voice."Ghostbur how's Tommy"questioned tubbo."well actually I haven't visited him at all this week,I was planning to tomorrow first thing in the morning,you want you can join me if you'll like"!! Ghostbur says happily."I don't know ghostbur what if he hates me or or he wants to kill me"!!"Tubbo don't be ridiculous you know tommy isn't that strong plus he's you best friend"."ghostbur I know Tommy and I know he isn't that weak"."ok but if you want to you can bring you right hand man too with us".says ghostbur trying to convince tubbo to come"fineeee" groans tubbo."tomorrow it is then"!!!ghostbur says cheerfully "now tubbo go to ranboo and ask for him to come with us".tubbo then leaves ghostburs sewers and goes to ranboo house that is surprising close to ghostburs sewers.
*tubbo knocks ranboo door*
Ranboo openes his front door to be greeted by a boy with little horns."hello tubbo,come in". "hi ranboo,I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and ghostbur to Tommy's exile place tomorrow first thing in the morning".tubbo says as he walks in ranboo house. "uh sure I wouldn't mind"ranboo say nervousIy he rarely gets visits now a days."hey ranboo remember when you said that I could talk to you if I needed to...". "Yea why"? I need someone to talk to so I was hopping we could talk for a little". "Mhm sure,do you want to head to the roof I mean we don't have to I was just planning to go up there before you came"asked ranboo. "Sure,mind if I bring my juke box"?questioned tubbo. "No not at all ,let's go up to the roof now"
Tubbo and ranboo proceed to go to the roof.then tubbo placed down the juke box next to ranboo and put Tommy's disc in. "Ranboo what if Tommy hates me"?tubbo asked as he sat next to ranboo laying his head on ranboo shoulder"I am sure he doesn't considering how much both of y'all stuck together all that time and cared for one another". "I am sure he will hate me because I put him in exile,he probably thinks that he's just a normal person in my eyes".tubbo says as his eyes start to water. " hey now tubbo that's not true,I am sure he would understand because it was Either him or your whole nation".Tubbo and ranboo chatted for awhile as they saw the sun starting to set.tubbo felt good he felt like he finally had someone to talk to after awhile of not being able to talk to Tommy.tubbo started to close his eyes and drift to sleep.ranboo smiled at the sight of tubbo soundly asleep and calmed down.

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