PDA: Private Displays of Affection

Start from the beginning

"What time is it? Why can't you get a cab home?"

"It's almost one and it's raining outside," he whined.

"Jeez Louise Robert I can't deal with the whining tonight. I'm too tired. Either call a cab or crash on the couch. Stop being such a girl." She lowered her arm to look at him. Her eyes found his in the dim light, and as something crackled between them she felt the stirrings of a dull ache. "There's no way I'm going out in that weather," she added with a newly husky voice.

The actor felt the girl comment was a little harsher than necessary, but refused to let it show. Instead, he donned a sideways smirk. It was his I'm-about-to-mess-with-you-smirk. Sadly, she knew it well. He began a very slow, very deliberate inspection of her figure: his eyes oozing over her slender legs, dragging his attention across her hips. He deliberately held his gaze at her exposed torso, even having the audacity to chew his lower lip. Under the sweep of his eyes she felt her body simultaneously flush.


When he spoke his words positively dripped with lasciviousness.

"A capable agent like yourself unwilling to go out in the rain" he asked in mock horror which quickly morphed into a devious glint. "Or is it you're afraid of getting wet?"

She rose to her elbows and smirked as well. It was her I'm-going-to-make-you-sorry smirk. Sadly, he had no idea.

She reached for him, took a fistful of his shirt and pulled him in close; Robert groaned as their lips touched, but for what followed, he was wholly unprepared.

Unprepared for a very wet agent indeed.

Unprepared for the thrill of a woman wrapped around him after almost a year of celibacy.

Unprepared for just how good sex on the firm floor would feel.

Despite his best efforts the movie star quickly, very quickly, lost his battle to keep from finishing. When he opened his eyes she was looking at him, sweaty and flushed. All it took was a quirk of her eyebrows.

"Oh shut up," he said.

And they started again. Post-floor sex against the wall and post-wall sex in bed extended the evening to a more satisfying experience.

So that marked the transition from Heather and Robert, security agent and client, to Rob and Heather, lovers. It was an easy shift to their surprise. They'd expected the increased proximity would crowd them both and leave them stifled. When not working publicity events, the two spent most of their time indoors. He cooked for her, read to her, chained her to the bed. When they did venture out, it was to familiar places like Mazie's, The Salad Bowl, or a nearby coffee spot.

Which was fine. At first.

If Heather was surprised by Rob's restraint during public outings, it was only because he turned into an octopus behind closed doors. He made it perfectly clear that he loved to touch her, but wouldn't come anywhere near her when they were in public. For a while she was content to be confused, but after 4 months his distance in social situations started to irk her, concurrently doing a number on her self esteem.

He'd never guide her in or out of a room with a hand on the small of her back. Never a hello or good bye peck out in the open. Walks down city streets or through Central Park characteristically involved him stuffing his hands in his pockets while she either swung her arms loosely or folded them over her chest to keep from looking like an idiot.

But when they were alone, he couldn't keep away from her. Even when just sitting together innocuously watching a movie, he would cozy in so tight their limbs brushed, often drawing her closer to wrap an arm round her shoulders. They could lie entwined together for hours, just being close.

PDA: Private Displays of AffectionWhere stories live. Discover now